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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Shail

  1. Do you mean the hard shoulder of the road while its going throught The Netherlands?
  2. Shail

    una pregunta

    Yo llevo 3 años jugando y sólo me banearon una vez, supongo que todo es conducir con un poco de cuidado y fijándose en las señales y con cuidado al adelantar. Sobretodo en las secundarias un saludo
  3. If it still not working, delete the game, and make sure to copy your save game, and then, reinstall it, It has worked for me
  4. Sevilla capital, España
  5. Shail


    In external contracts you cant go faster than 90km/h. Be sure that you are not working on this
  6. That was the point ! Thank you all for your replies!
  7. its a new profile, that´s why im so confused about it Anyway i´ll let the game 4-10 minutes and will see
  8. You should buy a car, then go to a service and look into the paintjobs
  9. I havent got a single employer. I cant use f7 + enter since it makes the screen in black when i use it (that's the freeze) and wont get back It just happens on MP, on single player can play without problems
  10. Hi all Im having a problem with MP which cant solve myself, I really dont know why is happening. I have formarted my PC a while ago, then i installed ETS2 and MP, when i go to MP and I do something such as sleep, f+7 or take a boat, the game freezes with black screen and I can´t do nothing, I have to end session or reboot my PC. I have been playing without problems for 3 years now to MP so I really dont know why is happening. I tried everything (Re-install MP, Re-install ETS2, looked for all drivers and seems to be fine...) So I really dont know why is happening and im posting it here. My PC specs: AMD FX 8350 RAM 8gb Nvidia GTX 560 TI MSI 970 gaming I think that this specs are cool for this game & I have played without problems since I re-installed Greetins, Shail
  11. Shail

    HAULAGE 64 2016

    Will be there it has to be crazy
  12. I will be able to attend, See you that day on the road guys!
  13. No problems Just sounds weird for me that Im still banned i wrote it here to let you know it as i said if you need more information like my steam ID or something i will provide it It just was a fail that someone got on video and reported so, my first ban in over2 years. Iim a good driver
  14. Hello Guys. I have got a problem since i have been banned two or three days ago from Ets2 MP, however the ban expired yesterday at 20.30 but when im trying to conec to the server it says that im banned from the network. I wrote an unban request saying it but it was rejected, so I dont know what shall i do or if im banned forever. I was my first ban so Im not sure about what to do. let you here my details. Usuario Shail Su nombre en el juego cuando fue baneado Shail Admin Sgt_Tailor Expires Yesterday, 20:30 Estado Declined Edit: If you need more information just ask for it
  15. Nombre de Steam: Liash Url de Steam: Horario en el que juegas: Depende del trabajo País: España Juego: ETS2 y ATS Camión / Auto: Scania forever! Os veo a todos en las carreteras chicos!
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