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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by ClownPrince

  1. I logged into the report system this afternoon to find that I can only report 11 people and it says 11 max. This is not something I have noticed before. Once the 11 reports have been used am I disallowed from making any more reports of bad drivers or do they start getting deleted starting with the oldest one etc?
  2. The graphics card I have is not a GTX. I have a Gigabyte R9 280 Windforce 3X which is a 3GB GDDR5 PCI-E Graphics Card and is more than capable of running this game and mods. As mentioned above, I have 0 employees and only 1 truck. I only have issues in Truckersmp with Freezing. In single player I do not have this issue and the profiles are the same (minus the level).
  3. You think it's a graphics card issue? You sir are wrong. My graphics card is more than capable of running ETS2. I'll check them links thanks @iFlufy.
  4. Whilst in a convoy I've noticed that my game was regularly pausing/freezing me which led to quite a few "close calls". I was told that it could be down to having too many employees so I fired all 76 of them. The issue remains. I even tried a new profile with 0 employees ever been employed and no other garages purchased. The game appears to be auto saving which lasts about 2 seconds which is enough for the person behind you to close the gap and make contact with your trailer, unless they're miles behind you of course. How can I either increase the time it takes before an autosave is made or decrease the amount of times it does it per hour etc?
  5. Thanks for the move, I wasn't sure and thought it would be classed as Off Topic. @DrEGZo The folder has folders within it too and then a list of sii files inside the final one: goosecementtrailer\def\vehicle\trailer has files from aero_dynamic.sii to willig_fuel_cistern.sii So would I just need to remove ALL the other files and leave cement_mixer.sii present or should it be that and the Gooseneck ones too?
  6. So I made a crazy little trailer and it shows in the game. However the Trailer Mod Tool makes the mod into a folder. How do I turn that folder into a SCS file to share with friends and other people?
  7. The Skoda's/Scouts etc have been in the game for over a year. Why are people acting like it's a new thing?
  8. What, how is this possible? What kind of sorcery is this?!
  9. Thanks for the replies. By waiting I risk then getting kicked off the server and then that would put me back to square one.
  10. Due to having no jobs I tried to sleep and the game freezes when it comes up with the time and saying I was getting some rest. Crash log file has not been updated since September last year so there is no point me pasting it. This is on ETS2 - ATS is fine.
  11. The game has been updated again: http://steamcommunity.com/app/227300/discussions/0/412447331651632209/
  12. Seriously? Wow Nicely put. It still surprises me when people complain that this FREE MOD is not updated at the precise moment that the game is. People need to remember that the developers of this FREE MOD have real lives and are not machines that sit at a computer all day, nor are they paid for making it, it is a game modification and is not made by SCS Software. Also the ATS rescale is more than just the addition of new places to visit, it has got loads of things in the Patchnotes: http://blog.scssoft.com/2016/12/ats-world-rescale-is-released-in-update.html
  13. I assume you didn't see the post I posted above yours. The game crashes because of the CB.
  14. After installing the new Peterbilt my game states it is still, so does this mean I can use the Peterbilt on multiplayer? Edit: Just seen that cus of the CB the MP crashes when you enter it. Can someone tell me if the Steering Wheel DLC is supported or not please?
  15. The content is not supported yet, no idea why but probably because it is not available to everyone yet...a side from those with codes I believe. I don't know why the Schwartzmuller DLC is still not supported but the Halloween one has been suggested here, I'd say to keep an eye on it for an official comment by one of the developers of the mod or the support team.
  16. Feel free to close this post as it's no longer needed.
  17. I don't Russian. I do English Thanks folks! I was asking on behalf of someone on Facebook.
  18. Is there a way to message people ingame instead of messaging via steam? i.e Can you type a message or whisper to someone via the multiplayer chat or something?
  19. I am using the red one now, thanks for the reply
  20. Just headed to somewhere to pick up a trailer, as soon as I approached the trailer the game crashed. Here's last_crash.log contents : http://pastebin.com/59LwujJ0
  21. @Digi7al Do your UI packs support all versions?
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