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Everything posted by SolarFlexus

  1. As the caption says. Sim1 feels like Arcade with some people in there, that actually enjoy trucking. I am playing on VTC.World as i like the increased difficulty and simulation aspect, but the server in its current state makes it really hard to play and enjoy. 70% of the drivers believe they are on a race track, another 20% confused ETS2 with wreckfest. (Yes the numbers are a little over dramatic) I also feel like the sim1 server has way too much traffic in the evening, as the actual arcade server is not used at all, due to the fact that no new player will join an empty server. The numbers are high enough to populate both servers with 1000+ players and give everyone the experience he wants, simulation or arcade. I dont really know what the rest of you thinks about it, but for me as a relatively new player it seems like it is urgently needed and might benefit everyone in the end. Edit: No bash on the team, it is impossible to control a non whitelist environment with that many players in the evening.
  2. 600ms is incredibly high in terms of sync based multiplayer games. There is a lot of fixes and workarounds out there, even for small money (f.e. Ethernet over power), and i already see enough lagging around with the 600ms limit. Against it, sim1 is already too arcade without that change.
  3. I am fairly new to TMP and ETS MP in general, but what i have seen playing today, did in many occasions not feel like a "Simulation" Server. People are rushing, ramming, driving in the wrong lanes, blocking, going afk mid street, ramming into delivery points with long trailers and so on. I think an approach might be to divide the Simulation server into a whitelist and a public one. For all of those that really enjoy driving and the realistic feeling, that dont have/want to rush every contract and enjoy the interaction between players. Therefore you could enforce more strict rules on this server (f.e. no open mic, proper use of CB Radio, global language english, lower speed limits, proper road traffic regulations everyone has to comply with and so on.) If i had reported every serious violation today with video evidence, i would not have been able to play, no joke. I personally would really enjoy a less busy server with passionate players more, than what i have seen today, which really made me consider switching back to single player.
  4. From what i have seen so far, it really should be 90km/h instead of 110 or more. Especially in the evening it felt worse than playing arcade or with AI drivers.
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