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[MCG] MemeBundy

Game Moderator
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by [MCG] MemeBundy

  1. Next time, type /pinfo <id> in the chatbox to search for the player TMP id. BTW, u were driving in the middle of the entrance so both guilty.
  2. Turnout, the problem comes from my onedrive cloud sync. I have uninstalled it and everything work perfectly fine. Thank you for helping me out. I really do appreciate your effort.
  3. Thank you for the recommened solutions above. I have tried but nothing happen so i give up. Thank you in advance!
  4. I have used notepad++ but still cant decrypt. As the TS editor can not give me the full function to do want my aim for so i have to use sii decrypt.
  5. As being said above, i have a problem with my sii decrypt for save-editing. So, i tried to drag my save file "game.sii" to sii_decrypt.exe and open it up but the file still wasn't decrypted. I have tried so fix that by the following ways: - Change the save format to 2. - Remove the WOT linked account out of the profile that i want do save edit with. - Download "sii_decrypt.exe" from many sources. - Disable steam cloud. - Launch the game with different launch option (Dx11, OpenGL, etc) - Reinstall my window 11 back to window 10. None of above fix my problem, the "game.sii" still show up with punch of font error. My laptop is MSI GF65 and i use onedrive cloud to save my document files. I don't know whether they effect to my save file or not. Hope you guys can give me a brilliant solution. Thank you in advance!
  6. Is there any other chassis that i cant open? i just wonder
  7. Keep it up mate, this is amazing. Great works! I never thought that i could change the licence plate such an unique way like this
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