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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by TekNeil

  1. Just finished the event, and just want to say I've really enjoyed it! Been superb, everybody involved has done a great job. Cheers all. 0/
  2. Man...Just had a job not count. Gutted. EDIT: I did refresh my profile page a few times, and it has finally updated after a proper 'CTRL+F5' refresh. EDIT 2: PS, when the SATNAV says "Begin toll road", in English it would be better to say "Start of toll road" - No big deal at all really, I love what the devs/everybody involved has done. Cheers all.
  3. Hello all, how do I actually pick up the TMP trailer for use between the event jobs? Can't find it in the dispatcher.
  4. Cheers for having a look, literally jumped on at the same time as you haha.
  5. Brilliant, thankyou for the detailed explanation. I'd maybe normally understand it a little better, but I've been/am extremely unwell and struggle to decipher things like I once could. EDIT: Oh, it is currently the 29th for me too (2am here in the UK) May pop on and see if the jobs are up.
  6. Cheers @djoh @Stones8000 Appreciate the replies and PM. I did search TMP and TMP10/TMP 10 earlier in-game and no jobs were showing up. (While I was on the TMP 10 server of course). I'll try to get in at some stage tomorrow and hopefully manage to get some jobs done. Cheers.
  7. Cheers, but which jobs from where exactly? That's my point. Neither are really specified AFAIK. At one point it states 'Festival cargo' (No idea what that is as I haven't seen it) and for Monday it says 'Special cargo'. Is that literally any SCS special cargo? The word 'Job' isn't on the page at all. PS/Off topic: The TFM Alexa APP doesn't play any audio again and hasn't for maybe a month plus.
  8. Can anybody please clarify? I'd like to take part in the achievements (Not the convoy as that's apparently finished), but does that also mean that I can't jump in at any time and do the jobs? That's pretty limiting if so surely? I've been on the server, travelled to TMPHQ, everything was blocked off, no idea where to go, no idea which jobs to do (Couldn't see/search any TMP/Festival jobs at all). Asked in-game where to pick up which jobs and was told "It's over" - I think info like this really needs spelling out prominently on the website. Job: Search for 'x' or take 'x' job. That's all it needs. Will mean nothing to a lot of people. Especially as nothing shows up if the achievements really are limited to the convoy period and nothing more.
  9. How does this work? Do we just hop on a server (Which one?) and play as normal? Either doing any job we like or free roaming within the marked area?
  10. If this is not available on the ProMods servers, maybe the info page needs adjusting?
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