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Flying Cat

Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by Flying Cat

  1. wow, now i got my answer from my feedback. it was claimed days ago regarding special trailers DLC. and now it is prohibited. 10/10 work TMP... BTW 27 Dec 2020 18:47 feedback opened. claimed at 01 Jan 15:51 and now special trailer DLC is prohibited. you guys really know how to not respect people and annoy.
  2. If you look it that way there are lots of lots of things which are not realistic and unfair to players. Not going to argue about it since i really dont care but being told to use feedback and not being able to use forums as a playerbase demanding what we want. Just smh... You may say what are unrealistic, here are some. 1. Having a speed limiter is ok and i drive at 90kmh max for reality but since we have cars, their speed limit should not exist for the sake of "reality" 2. Normally i dont use any mods(summer, autumn etc.) And i had to turn on my lights at a bright evening. Why am i being forced? 3. As the main topic, winter mod. If you are providing a winter mod, you MUST provide physics or what is the point of driving in winter on snowy roads and no ice? Guess ill just fly over to alaska, drive a car or a truck on snow and it will not slide. Realism at it's best. Want to bring more realism? Then remove nonsense rules ( i remember the time where my friend said in tmp, green headlights was a ban reason lmao) Welcome to TruckersMP haha
  3. Having snow mod with no icey slippery roads? This is not how "simulation" works. Seeing TMP is just taking the easy way out without a proper solution. Also for those saying people flying into air, i can give you a clip of mine people flying without winter mod(3 weeks old video before the winter mod release). I have crashed many times with my different combination of trucks and trailers and never had an issue. I drive a save edited truck with 90tons triple trailer.
  4. thanks for the update, i got a question. when i click on the winter mod link in tmp main page news section it shows 404 not found. https://grimesmods.wordpress.com/2017/05/18/frosty-winter-weather-mod/ found the mod in this website and seen some addons. can i use the addons like frosty wheels, dimmed headlights, slippery roads etc?
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