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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by flibberdipper

  1. Congrats admeeeeeeen!

  2. RIP SIM1 I guess. Seems like since the server had an aneurism 5 days ago the player count fell off a cliff.


    1. Arcticwolfs


      Yeah but the 1.41 beta is out and so  people by testing out the convoy system that scs software has made.

  3. The link you sent doesn't have any specific parts chosen, but if you end up doing the GTX 1050Ti/1650 you could use the same settings that I do at 1920x1080. It generally works out fine.
  4. That moment when you're making a right turn with traffic around you and your controller decides it'd be fun to randomly disconnect and cause you to go straight at someone else... Nothing like an impromptu entry into the speed ALT+F4 championships!

  5. Darn, that sucks. Only other idea I've got bouncing around is to try another PC in the house, if that's an option. Hopefully you can get this sorted.
  6. If you have a VPN, maybe give that a shot. Obviously your ping would be worse, but if it fixes it I feel it'd be worthwhile.
  7. Yup. Just be aware that if it's a single player profile with no mods, time will jump ahead significantly when you start playing TMP, so if you have any loans or an in-progress job they will act accordingly. And of course if it does have mods (minus ones like the 750HP for all MP trucks) they will no longer work and could muck up the save quite a bit.
  8. Not necessarily true for something like ETS2/ATS. The 3570 isn't particularly good to begin with and it was able to cope just fine. People with even worse configs could lower the resolution a bit more to something like 960x540, bring the bitrate down to around 1000Kbps, change the usage preset to ultrafast, bring the framerate down to 20, manually limit OBS' CPU usage... The options are fairly limitless if you have the slightest clue of what you're doing. I've personally done CPU encoding entirely on a Q6600 (which is a little under half as fast as the 3570) while playing an emulated GameCube game in Dolphin (which is a tougher load than just ETS2), and it did perfectly fine since I adjusted settings accordingly.
  9. Honestly saying that OBS requires a good computer spec is a bit misleading. If you have an Nvidia card, NVENC encoding should be supported starting at the GTX 650 and for AMD, VCE should be supported starting at the Radeon HD 7700 line. Not to mention if you have an Intel CPU starting at the 4000 series, QuickSync should also be available. And of course with a bit of tweaking, you can still get decent results from regular H.264 encoding (I was doing 720p 30FPS 2500Kbps on an i5 3570 just fine for a long time).
  10. It might not work properly if it hasn't been updated for whatever the current release is. I'd recommend just switching to TS SE since it can still decrypt, but also offers a lot more flexibility, the most useful for TMP being super easy money editing and truck/trailer fixing. https://liptoh.now.im/TS-SET-Download
  11. Ahhhh, gotcha. Suppose I just mis-interpreted it a bit and expected a bit faster rollout since it's "just" a UI change.
  12. I'm well aware of that method (I even acknowledged its existence in my OP). The question I have is if anyone knows what the current status is on the feature talked about in the thread I sorta stealth-linked where it was talked about that the TMP ID's were going to be added into the tag in game. The last post in it was from October 2019 with Aragon saying it'd be done soon but well... It sure doesn't seem to be done, and not soon.
  13. I came across this thread while trying to figure out if it was possible or not to have the TMPID be next to a player's name, y'know since having to do /pinfo or wait and try to find it in the log can be rather inconvenient at times, and the last update to that thread was in late 2019 and there still isn't an option for it in game. Does anyone know what the current status of it is? It'd be really handy for people like myself who tend to be bad driver magnets, since if I want to do a /pinfo on them I have to put my controller down to do it, and that's really not ideal when you're moving. ?
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