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Everything posted by canadien_goose1

  1. you band me for something i did not do i would like to see video evidance of the 9th


    1. JJay


      Dear @canadien_goose1


      Sorry for the frustration this might be causing for you, but we can not really help you here on the Forum as we do not deal with ban related stuff and complaints here. Please Appeal your ban if you haven't already and use the suitable way to appeal it. You must be patient, he will give you a evidence of ban. Just give him some time. We have an Appeal & Feedback System for that matter. Here are the links for those two systems:
      Appeal: https://truckersmp.com/appeals
      Feedback: https://truckersmp.com/feedback You can also use this system if you feel a Staff member was not accordingly doing its job. 

      If you have any doubt, do not hesitate to message me.




  2. hi there i have come here on behalf of another player of ats/ets2 as they are wanting to use truckers-mp. they are having a big problem with making an account up to be able to play, therefor when they go to create an account it just says log in with steam and it is not working at all Evan when he puts his right details in. can anybody help?
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