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Veteran Driver VI
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Everything posted by Moetje

  1. Moetje


    Do you get an error when your game crashes? If so, can you copy and paste it here?
  2. If you go to "External Contracts" (World Of Trucks), then you'll be able to see the gifts trailers.
  3. HTML CSS PHP (Laravel, little bit CakePHP) SQL jQuery (little bit) I really want to learn C# or Python.
  4. Ik vind het jammer dat je een persoon maar 1x kunt rapporteren. Mij lijkt het handig als mensen een persoon meerdere keren kunnen rapporteren, zo zien de Game Administrators van dat er iets mis is met die persoon en zou zouden de Game Administrators iemand snel kunnen verbannen of kicken.
  5. I installed a mod, so i got my trailer, went to a non-collision zone (in Singleplayer!). Then i save my profile and went to the multiplayer. So i loaded my profile and i said that there is an error with the mod, but i ignored it and i got my trailer. You just have to put the mod in your mods folder => Singleplayer => Get your trailer (or your lights at the shop) => Go to Non-Collision Zone => Save profile and start the multiplayer. If he gives an error just ignore it and load your save game. Then you got your trailer or what you've installed! Happy trucking!
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