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Veteran Driver IV
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Teyos

  1. Hello, Does your problem happen every time or just one time ? If it was just once, it can be just a little problem with communication between your computer and your controller.
  2. Hello, Did you try this ? It worked for for me few month ago and I can see in the comment it worked for other peoples, I hope it will work for you too ! Have a good day and drive safe Teyos
  3. Suggestion Name: "Personalized keyboard key for CB" Suggestion Description: Hi, I'm asking to have the possibility to modify the keyboard key to speak in the CB. Any example images: No needed. Why should it be added?: Someplayers are using the keyboard to turn on light, use the horn and more. They maybe want to to modify the "X" on another keyboard key or use the "X" for another action.
  4. Hello, You can also try : 1) Delete the document folder of ETS2 in "Document" but don't forget to save you're progression ! You can use the steam cloud in your profile settings. 2) Uninstall and reinstall your game.
  5. Hello, When you launch the game you need to put your email adress not your username to connect. If you have the problem again you can try to uninstall TruckersMP and resintall it.
  6. Hello, Did you try to open steam with the "Big Picture Mode". You need to open steam with this mode before you launch your game to use a controller.
  7. Suggestion Name: • Speaking Logo near Player name Suggestion Description: • When someone speak in the CB Radio, Any example images: Why should it be added?: • When there is an accident or lot of traffic, a player can speak to an other player near him (Example : Green Truck Move). but there is a lot of Green Truck, with this image near the name we will see if the "speaker" is near us and speaking to us. I think this image can improve the communication between players. ► My english is not perfect, sorry ♥
  8. You can put the ID in the Search Bar and find the player. Just click on him and you'll see if he is ban with this :
  9. Suggestion Name: A new mode for the F11 Key. Suggestion Description: When we press the F11 Key, the name and ID of other players dissapear. I suggest to have a new mode for this key. My suggest : When we press F11, only name dissapear and we can only see the ID of other players. If we press the F11 a second time, the name and ID dissapear. Any example images: No I don't have. Why should it be added?: I think you should add this for having a better visibility when we drive. The streamers can be happy with this mode They can report user and the user can't see their name on the stream if they report. And it can be better for the visibility if we want to do a "/pinfo [ID]". I know my english is not perfect, I'm doing my best sorry ♥
  10. Suggestion Name: A new mode for the F11 Key. Suggestion Description: When we press the F11 Key, the name and ID of other players dissapear. I suggest to have a new mode for this key. My suggest : When we press F11, only name dissapear and we can only see the ID of other players. If we press the F11 a second time, the name and ID dissapear. Any example images: No I don't have. Why should it be added?: I think you should add this for having a better visibility when we drive. The streamers can be happy with this mode They can report user and the user can't see their name on the stream if they report. And it can be better for the visibility if we want to do a "/pinfo [ID]". I know my english is not perfect, I'm doing my best sorry ♥
  11. Teyos

    Double Trailer

    Yes i got I answer, you can move th Topic
  12. Hello, I've seen some people in the chat (in-game) they said "Double Trailer are allowed everywhere". I just want to know if it's true, Thank you ♥
  13. Suggestion Name: Add new beacon for Skoda Suggestion Description: A lot of people like to have lot of light on their truck or car. I think a orange beacon at the back of the car can be good. It can be very good if we can control the lights (Right, Left and more ...) Any example images : Yes there is + a video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9DmH1n8Mbw&t=] Why should it be added? For more signalisation, some cars are very nice people and help us to signal an accident.
  14. Is it Belgium Police ? It's a good idea !
  15. It's a good idea but i don't know if the interior of the car has a texture
  16. Suggestion Name : Improve the chat In-Game Suggestion Description: The chat doesn't support emoji and special characters (Any Alt + number). Why we can't do "♥" (Alt + 3 if you want to know how to do this) in the chat when i say thank you for exemple ? Why should it be added? You should add this for a better communication in the chat i think. ☺ (My english is not perfect, sorry for my mistake(s) ♥)
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