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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by GMP[003] Q.R.A_DIEGO

  1. admin natallia tentando manter a ordem em calais tarefa dificil kkkk


  2. So I spoke on another server exclusive to double trailers and the other servers play normally without the double trailers
  3. When they are going to insert double trailers in multiplayer, for years the developers show videos in the trailers, but they are not inserted into the game, I think they should create a server only to play with double trailers with some restrictions. Whoever wants to play with the doubles would enter a server and whoever does not want to play with the double trailers plays on another server normally Video: Https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-TNFMyk6JE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNIn_P8wxmw
  4. is expected to launch the double trailer offline or online ETS2 mp ??
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