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Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by [7L]ImPulse

  1. Double trailers.. what's the status of those?
  2. It would be nice with a status update regarding the double trailers. That's what I'm reeeeaally eager for. :]
  3. 14KB/s for me.. for the past 2 days now it's been like that. Another 2 hours 53 minutes wait..
  4. http://forum.ets2mp.com/index.php?/topic/1368-new-update-011-r3/#entry10360 According to this, a new patch is supposed to be released shortly. Hopefully it'll solve the CTDs.
  5. It's probably the christmas paint jobs DLC that's causing it. Doesn't matter if you have it or not as the mod doesn't support it yet. I and many others have the same problem, and me personally I've decided to stop playing MP until a hotfix is released..
  6. I'm getting the same CTDs. I was wondering why the people ahead of me just vanished, took no more than 30 seconds after I saw the first player disappear and then I experienced my first CTD. I've now restarted and tried three times in a row and it's crashing every time. First time was just outside Rotterdam, the other crashes after that was just after I took the ferry, didn't even make it past Rotterdam.
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