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Veteran Driver III
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Everything posted by MK58Z

  1. I am not going to be at the convoy but I do what to participate in the future. How do you get heavy cargo? and to the destination? Please explain this part. I do not know.
  2. sko0923 - ty. So basically no mods are allowed. I am cool with this. thank you
  3. GReat guide it certainly helped me yesterday. i am new on multiplayer but not new to ATS game I did have or experienced a issue yesterday, when I was on multiplayer in ATS. I saw all my mods. Than later that folder had disappeared. I did a search and found the answer, but for newbie. How would some know if they have not been online to know that some mods would work or be banned? Please include that into the Guide because this will help future newbie who wants to join or play know ahead of time. So know do I uninstall ATSMP and reinstall to get the mod folder back?
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