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Veteran Driver II
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Everything posted by Napstep

  1. Napstep

    ETS2 BUG

    i think it isnt a bug its just someone that respawned there u had bad luck
  2. I had that problem and there's an easy way to solve it my game used to freeze when i tp'ed or slept while i was playing the game takes this time to make maths and see how much money did ur employers earn for you ,km that they did with each truck etc to solve it sell ur truck or fire ur employer so game doesnt need to spend a few mins to do those maths if u want to have employers and u have been without playing for ages here is the way to have them : 1. fire all of them 2. sleep 3.get new employers. this helps the game because it doesnt have to think how much money did they do in the in game time period.
  3. were you using a double ? doubles "hitbox" are kinda weird game has problems detecting when the full double left the non colision area if someone was "inside" of ur double when u were leaving it could bug u
  4. Hey all ive been testing the border during a whole day with a double.(when i was kicked i reload last check point and go ina different way) I think the best way use those doubles is staying in Sweeden and Norway. In denmark i'd only go to ports (Aalbrog)
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