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Veteran Driver VII
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Everything posted by QuasarBarkas

  1. I so want that last one. I wonder how much that cost to make.
  2. I have the same problem hasn't been fixed at all. I've downloaded all updates and tried every single one.
  3. thanks to the new update, my entire savegames are absolutely bollocked keeps sending me back to my HQ.
  4. I'm still having problems with mine atm, but I think its just because of the 6 dlcs I've just binge bought from the sale
  5. Yep that's a free addition. We've yet to find out how to sort out the problem atm though.
  6. 1. What is this? 2. Is it official or just some stupid mod? 3. "mode"? The heck? Is this guy trying to advertise his mod for singleplayer, which is incompatible with multiplayer and is quite useless being posted here? Or am I blind? To be honest, it'll draw more beamer drivers >_>
  7. Sorry, just read the thing at the beginning xD I'm as blind as a bat these days.
  8. Hi. I recently tried to do g_force_economy_reset to 1 then to 0 to try and fix a problem I had earlier when I would crash whenever I would quick travel. Of course, the game says "Game Change Detected" whenever I try and load up a save. The problem is, g_force_economy_reset on my main profile is 0 and the "change detected" still happens. This means that all my past saves are quite useless and have as much value as the soil I live on. I can't load any of them without being reverted to my main garage in Calais. Any Help? Otherwise there's not really much point in me playing if I get teleported to Calais every time I boot up my game.
  9. " I can play the online of ets2" Tell me, why is this in the suggestion thread? Good to know you can play the online of ets2, good to hear that but I don't think really anybody cares about you being able to play it. We all do. However, they're working on the problem. hold on and sit tight.
  10. This is important. It keeps teleporting me back to berlin, my nearest garage. I try to load my save I did in glasgow, but now it wont budge whatsoever because "game change detected"
  11. Method No.1 Specified by Kayro does not work, I have crashed still. The other method suggested by Kayro does not work either. They both result in crashes, however teleporting to garages is a lot easier. I have just reinstalled my game, it didn't seem to make any difference, it screwed up the singleplayer first of all as it kept putting me in berlin and only allowing 15 seconds of playtime before crashing. This game hates me.
  12. Quick update, I found out that I can load previous saves in different locations and not get a death signal from the game. Tried this when I was stuck on the entrance of the D-C road and loaded my game to amsterdam, seemed to work.
  13. going to try that out thanks. I'll report back if it didn't work.
  14. Erm hello. I've been playing this mod for at least a week I think and throughout that entire time, my game seemingly kills itself whenever I try to: Ride on a ferry Go on the chunnel Call assistance using F7 Buying vehicles in garages that I have teleported to. As I mean by "kill itself" I mean that the game then shows me the last frame I see before it crashes, whilst looping the last sound I hear. I need serious help here. I'm having to go on singleplayer just to get to England from France. I've had this problem from the beginning of time and I might as well quit ETS2MP at this point. Below is a video of how this crashes and the lines of stuff from the game.log before it died. https://youtu.be/FzRyKp__E_Y sorry for the diabolical video quality, I had to try and find a way to try and document this as quick as I can. BTW, this only happens in MP, it doesn't happen in SP.
  15. Try deleting/unhiring all of your drivers. Other than that, I'm stuck with this problem too.
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