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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Everything posted by Diggeris

  1. Too much bugs.. i exit from service and my game stuck, but i can write in chat lol...

    1. Lukas4544 [LTU]

      Lukas4544 [LTU]

      bcs a lot of people man... jus restart game....

  2. Now im back from vacation and i wanna to play ETS2MP, but game starting, closing, starting and it looping, i cant explain problem, i record video, I Try reinstall but its same.
  3. Why in server i can drive max only?90km/h, in singleplayer i can reach 150km/h, in my options speed limiter is off. sorry for bad english.
  4. Hello, which version need to play ETS2MP, I understand which need to pick version. Sorry for bad english.
  5. Need fix this thing, because its very annoying to do this all time.
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