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Hi, so this evening I was playing the game online normally and due to afk I think I got kicked and then tried to login again but my profile was gone as well. Checked it playing in signpe player I can see my profile there but not showing up on  online mode. Please help me with this cant play starting a new one.. ;(

Free French Trucker

4 answers to this question

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Try running TruckersMP as an administrator, press F1 and click 'install available updates'. 


Also verify ETS 2 game cache in steam.

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Hello @Ahmed Raza ,

Try this out:

Solution 1:

I would like to know if you are using 2 directories from which you are running you ETS ? If yes, i will write down below what the issue could be.

( This is an example ) I am using 2 separate directories to run ETS, one is located in D: drive and i use it for Singleplayer, the other one is located in C: and it is for Multiplayer.

So, the thing you should try ( if you are using 2 directories ) is to go to the one from where you run Singleplayer ( as you said, you see your profile in SP but no in MP ) and go to "profiles" and copy your profile from there ( profile is like a folder and it is named something like "4214213" and paste it in the other launching directory ( which is meant for Multiplayer ) as well in "profiles" , and after that enter again in MP and see if your profile is there.

Solution 2:

Go to Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2 and from there you should be able to see a folder named "profiles("  ( depends on what version of the game you were last time playing on your profile ) and enter that folder  "profiles("  and you will see folder ( your profile ) named something like "4214213" ( this is just an example ).

This .bak folder is backup folder for your profile if you accidently delete it or lost it somethow, so you are able to recover it.

All you need to do from  "profiles("  folder is to copy that folder ( your profile ) named for example "4214213" and paste it in "profiles" folder which is located in Documents/Euro Truck Simulator 2 as well,and enter the game again. You should be able to see your profile again.

If this doesn't help you come back here and we will give you other solution !

Best regards,

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Guys thank you so much for replying and helping me out. @SalePro Yes exactly, I have two installations of ETS one I got from my friend and I play that as single player and second one I bought from steam. I will keep your solution in mind if the problem occurs again. But for now it fixed automatically right after an hour I posted this thread. Its strange I didn't try to fix anything all I did was to play the single player and take "World of Trucks" jobs and after an hour I thought to give it a try and it worked my profile was back on ETS2 MP as well.

Thanks again, its fixed. Thread can be archived.

Free French Trucker

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