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I have this issues on and off and it came back. IDK what the issue is, I normally run the game at 60+ FPS but on the MP mod I only run it at 30 fps. Even in the menu my mouse is laggy and the truck spinning in the middle of the screen is also laggy. The graphic settings are all medium/low excluding the mirror distance which is on ultra (I like to see behind me). I don't know why it constantly does this. It isn't just me. A few of my friends which I play with also have similar issues but not to this extreme. 

-PC specs-
i5-4460 3.2ghz
GTX 750Ti 2gb
16gb ddr3

11 answers to this question

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28 minutes ago, Michel3951 said:

In the multiplayer the game has to render each truck, this leads to low FPS.


18 minutes ago, Mirko9 said:

Hello,if you drive on Calais-Duisburg or any high places where is alot truckers in MP ,you will have lower FPS than in SP.

If you wanna knoe where is alot people ,this guide is for you :



Too both. It does it in the login screen, pause menu, and when no trucks are around. I am use to the low FPS in high populated areas and that isn't the issue. The issue is that it does it constantly. 


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34 minutes ago, Sentinel_ said:

If you press the cog wheel at the top left while at the login screen, there are some graphics settings in there of which you can disable.


When you are in areas of population, yes you will drop in frames this is normal.


Please try what I said above amd get back to me and I will see what I can do to help you further.


The main menu should not be lagging.

it use to run perfectly fine. It was just this last update that I have been having issues. The setting don't increase or decrease any FPS. 

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1 hour ago, rebootdancer said:

both of them I have are newer. It is only MP. In single player I run fine.

Try to disable development logging in the MP settings and see if that has any effect, you might have to wait till the next update for a performance fix.


If you have windows 10 then you can try running TruckersMP in compatibility mode for Windows 7 / Windows Server 2008 SP1 and see if that has any affect, also running as an administrator. 


There was a post last year where the OP said that he was having lag issues in multiplayer after the latest update and that it is only in multiplayer not single player, here it is. 


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@rebootdancer i must admit i have tried the same thing. Before they changed the max persons on the servers from (2800?) to approx 3500 i have experienced a frame drop and a average higher ping in ETS2MP. My singleplayer runs smoothly, so it sounds like we have had the same problems.


I tried to problem solve myself and i have found some "emergency solutions", all which have help me with some more frames (average frame is now at 55-60 as before).


First of all, i was recording with Plays.tv - i simply had to stop recording with that programme and uninstall it, and have later changed it out with Nvidia Experience own recording programme. That helped since the program was already using my graphics card (Geforce GTX 850M). So if you're recording, please check whether the one you are using are occupying too much.


After that i started closing unnecessary programmes, which encluded the overlay from discord/teamspeak. 


To be honest i must admit i dont know the rootcause to this problem, if it's because the servers know can have more people on it, or if more DLC's have been made available on the MP. But do let me know if my "do-it-self" solution finding has helped you or if you already have done this.

  • -3

If you press the cog wheel at the top left while at the login screen, there are some graphics settings in there of which you can disable.


When you are in areas of population, yes you will drop in frames this is normal.


Please try what I said above amd get back to me and I will see what I can do to help you further.


The main menu should not be lagging.

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