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Ali kako cu odvozit ako mi ne kaze ni za nijednu turu a trebam prvo zaraditi i voziti kamione od drugih i prikolice a nema mi nista od posla na onoj listi to je neki bag imo sam ga jednom neko mi je pomogo a nezz ko i sad mi se to opet desilo



Neznam onda brate zao mi je,ako niko nepomogne skini neki modovani profil ili prek cheat engine .Nasao sam ovo na forumu pa mozda pomogne na engleskom je : 

Launch Multiplayer, select your profile and when you don't have any jobs, press the ` button which will open the console and type g_force_economy_reset 1 and press ENTER. Then quit the profile and load the profile again. You should get a message saying "Game change detected" which means it has worked. If it worked, open the console again, and type g_force_economy_reset 0. Once that's complete, you can go into the game and jobs should be there. This is not a permanent fix, therefore if you still get this problem after you do it once or multiple times, you still need to repeat the whole process (without having to edit config.cfg this time).


@Matija02 ako radis obicne poslove u MP i nema nista na listi, onda trebas jednom odspavati ili teleport na servis (tipka f7). evo tako se ucini reset ekonomije u multiplayeru, da zatim sve radi kako treba. a sve o consoli mozete procitati na SCS forumu

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