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Veteran Driver V
 TruckersMP Profile
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About Matija02

  • Birthday 08/26/2002

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  • Preferred Trucks
  • American Garage Location
    California: San Francisco
  • EU Garage Location
    Germany: München
  • Known languages

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  1. I fix it You can delete this topic
  2. I don't have snow on the roads, the snow just falls in the sun. What I need to do to fix that problem or its bug or something?
  3. Di da im se javim
  4. Matija02

    Šta je ovo??

    Gledajte nece mi uopce uc u truckers mp i opet sam ga dowloadao i deinstalirao i opet nece
  5. Matija02


    Uspio sam
  6. Matija02


    Zašto nmg uc u ets2 multiplayer stavio sam na 1.26 i verzija se skidala 1h i a probam uc nece Probo sam i deinstalirati i instalirati truckers mp nece Pomagajte!!!
  7. Matija02


    Probat cu
  8. Matija02


    Znaci kada pozovem pomoc na cesti ili da dođe drugi vozač po prikolicu samo mi se zaledi cijela igrica i dok opet udem zelim isto tako svaki put Zašto??
  9. I fix problem
  10. Matija02


    Nasao sam u help pomoc A i ti si pomogao hvala
  11. Matija02


    Popravio sam
  12. Tnx I fix Lock
  13. Suggestion Name: i dont se list fot job Suggestion Description:So I when I chose the city and when I started playing I finished the initial round but after that I could not find any job nor anything Any example images: http://imgur.com/a/bdxRF Why should it be added?Help me
  14. Ali ja sam krenuo skroz pocetka odvozim prvu turu dok odaberem grad i onda dok zavrsim nema mi liste a nemam svoj kamion
  15. Matija02


    kako consolu upalit
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