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How to use freecam?



Hi everyone.


Does anyone know how to use the freecam and if it is a mod, where do I download it? Whenever I get rammed or pushed off the road I can use the freecam to look at their names because I always get confused who pushed me off the road.


Thank your for your time.

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Hey there!


1. So first of all you need to make sure your game isn't open, open up your ATS/ETS2 document which you can find in 'My Documents' 

2. Once you have clicked on it you will need to find 'config' which could be a CFG File http://prntscr.com/d79xvw Make sure to open it something where you can edit it like Notepad etc. 

3. Open up Config and find 'uset g_developer "1"' and change it from 0 to 1 the same goes with 'uset g_console "1"  http://prntscr.com/d7a19d http://prntscr.com/d7a1ui

4. Once you have proceeded then you will be able to open up your game again. 

5. Once you're loaded into a server or even single you can press 0 and use the keys which are on the numpad '8, 4, 5, 6' this will allow you to move around. You are also able to use your mouse to move around and scroll to make you go faster. 

7. Sometimes the camera does flip itself upside down so you will just need to push your mouse or down so it can flip the camera around. 


Hope this helps you :) and happy trucking!

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