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Tow trucks in ets2mp and ATS

Serenity Aqua

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Suggestion Name: Tow trucks within both Euro truck simulator 2 and American Truck simulator
Suggestion Description: A couple of us were talking about an idea of tow trucks in the game. We were thinking that when drivers cant move rather then calling road assistance every time then another player could tow them to the closest Repair centre or even if they run out of fuel then they can tow them to the nearest fuel station

Any example images: Nope

Why should it be added?: I just think it would save drivers who have less currency with in the game time and effort of having to press f7 all the time. Just so they aren't wasting money every time they then need to f7
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I disagree with this.


F7 is expensive because people should drive better. F7 is for last-resort purporses. As F7 is expensive for new players, they will be more likely think twice before crashing their truck.


Also what guarantee is there that someone would even come? There's no guarantee that they would take you to a service station, they could just park up with your car on the back and leave you stranded!


No, it's much better to use F7

Current Status: status.png

Waddle On!                    

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So this isn't possible at the current time and would require a lot more work than you think.


Tow trucks aren't a model in the game so that would either need to come from SCS or custom modeling which is it's own pain. Plus the code to make it work is rather complex. Additionally, if you have rolled or broken down in the middle of the road, you can be blocking other players so asking for a tow from there is almost impossible for a lot of users as that means going the wrong way to get to you which is against the rules. As such, this is going to be rejected.

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