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Not permanent ban at first time


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Suggestion Name: Not permanent ban at first time
Suggestion Description: I bought the game this week, with the propose of trying the multiplayer. I tought this was a free game, but it appears to have severe rules! when i bought the game i just downloaded your client and ready to go i didn't came to the forums or read the site looking for rules or something, those ones should be displayed on the welcome screen or in-game or have a link to them in-game. As a newbie player on this game i decided to try a speedhack because is not to hard, just download cheat engine and change a setting. i was having fun until got permanent banned. on my country people has good sense and know how to give second oppurtunites, people hack for several reasons, they're not bad persons, maybe they are just curious! and moreover maybe they don't know they will get permament banned as the first time they do something wrong, if i knew this before i surely didn't try the hacking. or maybe i would tryed on the offline mode. i'm revolted because i spent money because of you, if this mod didn't exist i continued playing with my .iso file, but with no explanations or disclaimers i got permanent banned, is this the hell? are you so evil and insensitive like that? people are different, if you are not curious or whatever reasons, there are people that like to go further and try things like hacks. and this wasn't a serious thing that deserves to get permanent ban, if it was repetitive i agree but the first time no one deserves to get the maximum punishment. is like someone steals a thing and go to the jail for the rest of the life, with no right for pay a fine. sorry for bad english


Any example images: No.
Why should it be added?: Because is good sense, is the first time i see a server permanent ban at the first time. 1 month should be ok, keeps the rule breakers away for a while, with time to think and regret. don't need the rest of the life to do that!

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