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Partner trailers for players to drive

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Suggestion Name: Partner trailers for players to drive


Suggestion Description: At the TMP Easter Egg Hunt of 2024, we saw the implementation of 3 partner trailers which could be found alongside the eggs. TruckersFM, ProMods, and DBus. My suggestion is for these to be added into the main servers, and be able to be driven by all players.


Any example images: 


The picture above shows two of the ProMods trailers in action at the TruckersMP Easter Egg Hunt 2024.


Why it should be added: This feature would not only provide exposure for TruckersMP's partners, but also build a stronger bond between TruckersMP and their partners. It would also mean that staff of TruckersFM, ProMods and DBus could utilise these at their official events, and just on the road in general!

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