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Suggestion Name: 

Christmas Winterland Event 2023 Suggestion for NCZ


Suggestion Description:

If TMP will support this WoT event, make whole Winterland area a NCZ


Any example images: 



Why should it be added?:

There are couple of reasons:

  • Winterland is not very big area separated from the game map, which you get transported to and from through "portals" located at many locations (rest stops and gas station) throughout the regular map (Winterland itself only has 4 portals).
  • Roads in Winterland are snowed and slippery (no idea how this interacts with winter mod) and are narrower (snow piled on the edges), there's also lots of small streets around the centre.
  • No road signage in Winterland at all, adding to the usual "problems" with right of way in TMP.
  • Though access  to Winterland is only possible with event trailer, once there, you can stay around indefinitely, adding to congestion and lowered performance.


The place will be likely full of people, especially in the beginning of the event and without NCZ I'm afraid, it will be very chaotic and unpleasant. 


Edit: A guy in front of me had real trouble to slow down even at very low speed and went off-road multiple times, then jacknifed in a turn. I assume it was winter mod physics stacking on top of already very slippery physics.


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Posted (edited)

I second this idea by Granite.

If Granites' suggestion is not approved; I'd like to suggest making the portal areas, in Wonderland specifically; non-collision zones asap.

  • I have witnessed and been a victim of; when a driver loads into the wonderland "portal area" from the main map, the driver that moves forward first gets launched several yards in the air (Twisted Airlines) sometimes requiring a utilization of the F7 feature = loss of time & progress.
Edited by Popeye_27
Removed a second if after first if. missed it on the proof read.
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Unfortunately, having them be NCZ is out of the question as SCS have locked the areas for modification. However, the Event Management will be looking into using barriers to enhance lane discipline in loading and drop off zones. This should be fully done in a few hours. I will go ahead and accept this suggestion as at least something will be done for it! 



TruckersMP Community Manager

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