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I can't find the truckersmp id of someone whose username has a question mark (?)



While I was traveling on the Truckersmp Duisburg-Calais road, a man whose username consisted of question marks caused me to have an accident. I want to make a complaint, but I can't do anything because the person does not have a turckersmp ID. I searched the page to find the user's ID but still couldn't do anything. There is evidence below that the person hit me.


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5 answers to this question

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Hello @CutybbutyAuys,


As my knowledge, you can find the suspect when you look Up the log Data in your truckersmp folder. At now i can't profe it , If ITS Work an where IS the folder located.


But Here is a topic where can Help you



I Hope i Had Help you 


Kind regards,

[RSL] Julian [GER]

RSL Human Ressource 

Kind regards,
[RSL] Julian [GER]
RSL Human Resources

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Hello there!


Your topic has been inactive for 3 days since the last reply.
Because of inactivity, I will have to move this topic to Inactive Topics.

If you have any further queries, feel free to DM me or another Support Team member and we will open this topic as per your request.

Have a great day!


Kind regards,


TruckersMP Support


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