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Ghost Mode


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Dear Friends,


It has come to my attention that there is a prevalent issue with drivers disregarding the rules and guidelines for the Ghost Mode, often due to their lack of understanding. Many continue to ignore the rules and simply drive recklessly, even potentially using Ghost Mode as a tool for disruptive behavior. Instances have been observed where drivers intentionally cause collisions, leading to the ejection of other players from the game. Furthermore, reports submitted regarding such incidents often receive explanations attributing the problem to "synchronization issues."

I believe it is crucial to address this concern promptly and efficiently. I propose that a warning be issued to drivers when their vehicle is detected at the side of the road, indicating that they must return to the main traffic flow before they can fully reconnect to the server.

While displaying the remaining time for Ghost Mode may offer some benefit, it is unlikely to significantly alter the behavior of most drivers, who often accelerate through it without adhering to the intended use. It is essential to emphasize the importance of responsible driving, adherence to traffic rules, and a comprehensive understanding of Ghost Mode's purpose within the TruckersMP community.

This approach will contribute to a safer and more enjoyable experience for all participants and uphold the integrity of TruckersMP as a simulation platform. I am confident that by implementing such a warning system, we can encourage drivers to use Ghost Mode as intended and minimize disruptive behavior on the platform.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I appreciate your commitment to maintaining a positive environment for all users of TruckersMP.





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Kind Regards,


TruckersMP Community Moderator

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