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Hello, while playing my game, I was able to play with 50-60 ms without any problems. But I'm starting to get 140-150 ms with nothing open in the background. In other games etc. This problem is bothering me while my ping is normal. Can you help please?

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Hello @Alp2,


Firstly, welcome to the TruckersMP forum and congrats on creating your very first forum topic ?


Now back to the topic:

Please, try the following solutions:


> Avoid using Wi-Fi.
> Avoid uploading or downloading and playing MP at the same time.
> Avoid doing Windows Updates at the same time.
> Avoid having too many users or devices at the same time into your network.
> Avoid using streaming services at the same time.
> Check your firewall settings into your router/switch.
> Prefer using servers nearest to your location.

> Try restarting your modem or router. Restart both if you have a standalone Modem and a separate Router.
> Try to talk with your ISP (Internet Service Provider) and see if you can come up with a solution. Ask your ISP if they support internet profiles such as Fast path or Interleave and ask for Interleave. Interleave will raise your ping but it will do more packet checks by your ISP.


I hope this helps ? 

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Hello @Alp2,


There are many other factors besides internet connection that can affect your ping, and I’ll help you to deal with these factors first:


Connect via Ethernet cable


Ethernet cable connection is usually preferred for online gaming. Because WiFi connection is prone to many real-world interferences, such as nearby electronic devices, walls and even distance from the router. Directly connecting via ethernet cable eliminates all types of interferences and ensures you get the best available speed. Alternatively, you can also disable the WiFi in your router and connect via ethernet. As each router has a different interface, I can’t give you precise instructions on how to do it. But to give you a hint, access the router settingsand look for Disable WiFi option under WiFi options/settings.


Eliminate bandwith hogs


If you want to play TruckersMP using your WiFi, I would advise you to turn WiFi off on all the devices that are able to connect to the network. Another app or device using your network can make the ping surge as they will eat the required bandwidth. Turning off the WiFi is important as background processes in other devices may still eat up bandwidth. Secondly, exit all the apps on your PC and make sure no background apps are eating up the resources. In Windows, you can check the taskbar and the task manager ( Ctrl + Shift + Esc ) processes section to look for background processes.

[10:22 PM]


Use a gaming VPN


Although a VPN usually slows the internet connection, but it can also help make the connection clean, if that’s the problem. There is a chance your ISP might be throttling your connection or rerouting you through congested networks. In that case, you can try a gaming VPN. I have personally never tried a gaming VPN as my connection seemed clean. However, many users have achieved up to 70% ping improvement using a gaming VPN. Unfortunately, there is no reliable free gaming VPN available right now. Although my recommendation would be VyprVPN, as it offers a free trial to confirm whether it will work for you or not, which makes it a safe choic.

[10:23 PM]


Use PingEnhancer


A great little tool for Windows users. PingEnhancer basically makes few adjustments in Windows registry to increase the frequency of TCP packageacknowledgment that enhances ping a bit. Without going into the technical jargon, it forces the network to check every data packet transferred, i.e, increasing the connection accuracy. Although accuracy leads to better ping, but it may inversely affect the overall internet speed as more packets are needed to be scanned now.


1. Launch the tool and click on the Optimize button.

2. Next, restart the PC and your connection will be optimized.


In case you have recently started facing high ping or it happens occasionally, then it might be a problem with your network or PC configurations. Below are some fixes:

- perform a clean boot

- make sure pc and router are not overheating

- keep all the drivers up-to-date

- clean up your pc

- contact your ISP


If these methods didn’t work for you, then a reset may help you. Both PC and router are involved in keeping your ping normal, resetting both of them should fix any type of software related issue. However, do keep in mind that resetting PC and router will lead to deleting all the data in your PC and resetting your configurations in your router.

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There are currently no developments. I think the problem is caused by the launcher. Because there are no problems with any other application or game. Completely uninstalling the launcher. When I uninstall it from the control panel, it says run ets2 without making the necessary downloads, which I downloaded again.

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Hello there,


Due to this topic not wanting to be opened after 1 week of being Inactive, I will have to move it to Unsolved Topics.

If you are still having issues, feel free to contact us here: https://truckersmp.com/support


Kind Regards,


TruckersMP Support


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