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Cao! Treba mi pomoc ako neko zna u cemu je problem! Svaki put kad upalim ETS2 u nekom trenutku on not responduje! To se obicno desi kad se nesto ucitava! Kada sacekam da prodje not responding mogu nastaviti normalno da igram ali posle par minuta opet bude isto! Nekad mi izbaci i "close the program" a iznad njega pise "Euro Truck Simulator - Steam is not responding" . Pokusavao sam skoro sva resenja koja sam nasao, i da verifikujem game fileove, i da ranujem igricu kao administrator, i da ugasim overlay programe i reinstaliro sam igricu 2 puta i nista nije pomoglo...


I need help if anyone knows what the problem is! Every time I turn on ETS2 at some point it not responds! This usually happens when something is loading! When I wait for it to stop not responding, I can continue to play normally, but after a few minutes it will be the same again! Sometimes it throws out "close the program" and above it it says "Euro Truck Simulator - Steam is not responding". I tried almost all the solutions I found, to verify the game files, to run the game as an administrator,   to shut down the overlay programs and reinstalled the game 2 times and it didn't help ...

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Hello 0/ @Mata6221 how are you?
I recommend that you check the integrity of the Euro Truck Simulation 2 files. To do this you go to your game in the Steam library, click the right mouse button and go to 'properties'. After that go to ‘Local Files’ and then look for “Check Files Integrity…” And do the process.
If it persists, I recommend that you delete the ETS folder, both in documents and where you installed the game and then install it again.
I hope I helped you!

Best regards
_Thyagoof - Media Team TruckersMPChief Operating Officer at ALLIANCE Virtual

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