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Show the session ID (and possibly other useful information) somewhere on the screen.

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Suggestion Name: Show the session ID (and possibly other useful information) somewhere on the screen.


Suggestion Description: Show the session ID (and possibly other useful information) somewhere on a screen, like in a corner, not right in your face but kind of small but still readible if you need it.


Any example images: Image 1 -> Kinda like this, not in all corners tho, Did that as an example of what it would look like in the corners.


Why should it be added?:

Sometimes things like session ID's are hard to remember, for me atleast... pair that with someone driving and in a heavily populated area with a lot of people saying someones session ID followed by a message, it would be useful too able to look to a corner for my session ID if i forgot it, as driving through populated area + having to move my hand from the device im using to control the truck to the tab key could end in a crash or something simular... This sounds stupid and pointless but i still think it would be useful to have a session ID somewhere in a corner so you dont accidently forgot it, especially when staff members try to use session IDs to get your attention...

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Thanks for creating a suggestion on the forum.


I have reviewed your suggestion and unfortunately I am going to have to decline it.

I understand that it can be hard to remember your ID, however, you can resize the tab menu if needed, to only show your player ID.

Additionally, with the new mention feature, users can input an @ symbol and your ID into the chat and it will highlight the whole message for you to see.


Kind regards,


TruckersMP Community Manager

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