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Intersection Improvement Outside Calais

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  • Suggestion Name: Calais Intersection Improvement
  • Suggestion Description: Improve the intersection. Improve Traffic Flow.
  • Any example images:  Yes.


^ This is the overview of the project. There's room for improvement as the team sees fit (lanes, positioning, ect).


^ This is the problem spot. Admittedly, there was roughly 2,800 players on at the time. Leaving the highway and leaving the city is what makes this a problem spot.



^ It's Accident prone from getting off the highway to getting across the problem spot. Sure, there might be nice players to let the roads alternate traffic flow. But not every player thinks alike.


^ Regardless of whether it's driving skills, being impatient, wanting to troll, or some other reason, it's accident prone. (Really glad i got to witness this one).


^ And can result in a traffic mess.

  • Why should it be added?:
  1. Traffic flow will increase by removing the problem spot. Either direction won't need to cross paths allowing for improved traffic flow.
    Sadly, scenes like this can't be fixed.
  2. See image and below it.


It's similar to how it looks IRL and this is what's in place on the ProMods map.


For anyone focused about WoT contracts, i've got a solution for you.


Just go around. Longer yes, but you won't have to worry about any impacts.

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