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Found 5 results

  1. Suggestion Name: TruckersMP Official Twitch Rank Badges Suggestion Description: I propose that TruckersMP introduces official Twitch rank badges for subscribers on its official Twitch account. I spoke with Luna about this idea, and she encouraged me to submit it here. While there are many suggestions submitted, I believe this one has significant potential to enhance the community engagement on Twitch. Example Images: Why Should It be Added: Implementing custom Twitch badges would make the subscriber experience more engaging and visually appealing. Instead of the generic star badges, we could have unique TruckersMP-themed icons that represent different subscription durations (e.g., 1 month, 6 months, 1 year, etc.). This would not only enhance the professional appearance of the channel but also foster a sense of community among subscribers. Additionally, allowing the Media team to design these badges could bring more creativity and excitement to the Twitch channel, helping to attract new viewers and retain current subscribers.
  2. Wir sind eine kleine Gruppe aus Twitch Streamern, die gerne mal ihre Fahrten streamt. Willkommen ist generell jedermann, egal ob Streamer oder normaler Twitch User, sofern ein gepflegter und respektvoller Umgangston beherrscht wird. Die Firma existiert seit dem 08.12.2018 und hat derzeit 3 Fahrer und 1 Disponenten. Ein Teamspeak 3 Server ist vorhanden und für das Fahrtenbuch nutzen wir 'Trucksbook'. Regeln: Serverinterne Regeln und natürlich Spaß am Fahren! Unsere Anforderungen: - mind. 18 Jahre alt - Kenntnisse der StVO (für optimales RP zwingend erforderlich!) - Teamspeak 3 - Trucksbook Was Dich bei Uns erwartet: - Freundliches und geselliges Team - freie LKW-Wahl (Hersteller) - Teamspeak Server - Twitch Streamer - lange Fahrten =P Bewerbungen bitte an: Trucksbook: Link ODER Privatnachricht an: Inhaber: r4zi87 Stellvertreter: Kirito0167 Mit freundlichen Gruß Die GTC gez, r4zi87
  3. Suggestion Name: Twitch Streamer Suggestion Description: I think TMP should make a team under the media team that stream on the TMP twitch channel Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: This should be added because, Horizon is very hard working with him community manager role and others in the media team don't really do as much.
  4. Since when twitch has been removed from the list of valid proof sources to report a player breaking the rules and why?
  5. Hi! Nearly for a year when i started to create gameplay videos for my friends, with my friends, and i saw this is very usefull via Twitch (i mean online), because the unlimited storage, and the "istantly online" being of it and of course for prooving if someone made something rule-less in a multiplayer game... In this year i collected some iformation and tips, so here is the time to share it back! For viewers! If there is two or more player who play your favourite game, multi perpective viewer sites for twitch in order of usability: http://multitwitch.tv/ http://kbmod.com/multistream/ http://demacia.tv/ http://8wayrun.com/streams/multi Bonus off-browser viewer downloader to twich. For youtube a similar site with an example wideo for it with truckers: http://www.SwigView.com/jT1Iana For creators Firstly be clear with your PC-config and your Internet connection and the actual game's requirements: With multi-core CPU, 2-3 storage device (HDD,SSD) and a bandwidth upload 3000Kbps You can get instant Greenlight to do whatever you want. With less potential do not give it up: try some possible solutions... Try this calculator as step one I am Recording/streaming with: OBS : Easy to use program with multiple quality options, and "live picture" editing options and the best thing: Fully FREE (Cpu based) (alternatives: xsplit but not free [Not tried] cpu based, and with newer Nvidia cards, the built in Shadowplay [Not tried personally(i have an AMD card), but i saw at my friend that is limited in setup question. Via boost of Quicksync: With Intel 2xxx CPU or above with IGP. Over: Twitch.tv: (alternatives Hitbox.tv, ustream.tv, google hangouts, etc) This is a basic to start, but with some good tool you can step over (mostly for twitch)! The Absolute multi-tool to Off-browser stream setup, Stream sataistics, In stream notifications, Chat overview ,Stream overlay editors (pop-up if someone subscribed, clock, chat), Button editor to twitch panesl, in-stream listened music data, bitrate calculator, etc-etc. Everithing what you see in a "proffessional" stream. Stream notifier button to forums, like mine in the signature. If i missed something please feel to free to post it! To admins: sorry if it is Off-Topic i saw it lately. If you want, move it to the off-topic topic...
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