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Found 8 results

  1. Hey, I was just wondering if anyone else has or had this problem that I am going through now. When on multiplayer, I get stalling/engine failure sounds when my vehicles is perfectly fine. When the stall sounds happen my vehicle both car and truck don't actually stall. I would love to see if anyone has a solution for this as it is terribly annoying and unreaslistic. It also puts me of from making content on the game which I am planning on doing. Regards, Fred.
  2. Hi everyone! My problem is that when I try to connect in the TMP Multiplayer server with my scout, it normally runs correctly, but when all the trucks load completely, all the sounds of the ScoutCar disappears and I can only listen to the radio or the sound of other trucks. I can't hear the blinker sound! I don't know if it's a famous error but I'm finding out that with the las update to the 1.37 version of ETS2. Thanks!
  3. My nephew is experiencing no sound on truckersmp on ATS & ETS2 and it is quite frequently happening but on occasions he will get sound coming from his tv speakers. He's checked the settings for sound/audio on ETS2 and ATS on the audio options and on truckers mp and all the sliders for sound and truck sounds master volume etc are all the way up to the right. The sound settings for truck sounds, horn, liftable axles etc are all ticked (where you access the login screen for tmp). He's checked the audio settings on windows 10 and all the sliders are up to 100 and none are muted & the sliders for ATSMP & ETS2MP on windows settings audio are up to 100 and not muted. He is using his TV speakers as audio output & the windows audio settings are his tv is set to be the default device for audio. He's reinstalled tmp following the tmp knowledgebase to reinstall it. I'm going to get him to press F1 on his keyboard to reinstall updates on the tmp screen where you can select 'launch ATS' and 'launch ETS2' & reinstall ATS, ETS2 & system updates. He has verified game files for ATS & ETS2. Also you cannot hear the sounds when you click on the menu buttons for example: profile, continue game etc and it is supposed to make a clicking sound when you click on them. I have ATS/ETS2 and truckersmp and have tried to help him with the issue but I'm at a loss. Thanks in advance, Ben. ?
  4. Suggestion Name: Engine Voice Records (https://enginevoicerecords.com/) Suggestion Description: Those sound mods made by Vasily EVR makes the driving experience even more realistic. Because of the high quality you'll feel like your in a real truck. It's way better than the original sound files from SCS Software. Any example images: Why should it be added?: Why not? It sounds better, most of the trucks are covered from EVR and the file sizes are small ~10 MBs. Since TruckersMP gains money from their patrons it'd be a nice investment to improve the multiplayer. EVR mods are always up to date and you could make every sound optional to download. Sry if it's posted on the wrong forum.
  5. Name: Real Sound Scania R 420 DC12.420 Euro 5 Engine Voice Records. Description: This is a Sound Mod made by Vasily EVR that makes the old scania’s “420hp engine” actually sound like a REAL LIFE 420hp Scania engine. It’s amazing! Actually revamps all sounds of the scania! It’s mind blowing! It installs just like the Engine Sound Plugin that makes turbos louder and then is enabled in the mod manager! Links: (All posts / videos created by Engine Voice Records ) https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=211&t=233480 https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=211&t=249707 EVR’s Website(s): https://enginevoicerecords.blogspot.com/?m=1 https://www.enginevoicerecords.com/ Why?: Why wouldn’t this be added! We want realism. Not fake sounds like Instagram models who look like Barbie dolls! I’ve been playing this game for a long time now. I just seriously hate these sounds! This mod gives a soothing realistic scania sound to your ears! Not only scania! There’s more! There’s Daf engine sound and a MAN sound too all for free! These all give soothing realism with the comforting sound changes! It makes you feel like you are a real truck. Why don’t we already have this! Us truckers want realism. Not imprisonment inside the stock truck sounds that have been changed so much by SCS they don’t even sound like trucks! Allow us truckers who seek comfort and realism to enjoy this mod! Without it... We will never have realism. Edit: I seriously hope this doesn’t take 3 years just to be even looked at. (Like most suggestions). Edit 2: Been a long time, Still ignored. Found out there is a soundcloud too. This is music to your ears and especially shows why it should be added. https://m.soundcloud.com/engine-voice-records Edit 3: Another thing popped in my head, Adding Engine Voice Records means more people playing TruckersMP. People play single player for the mods. Some only play just for the sound mods because SCS just didn’t do them correctly. That means the people who only play for sound mods, Would come over and play TruckersMP because who really wants to play alone unless they have a reason to play alone. (Said reason would be the unrealistic SCS sounds) Also, Since most of the EVR Sounds are paid for, That means more money for EVR which means they can go out and record even more trucks. (The sound mods I said before this are free. They are basically things to show you the quality of EVR. Seriously, Once you hear these in game. You can not go back to hearing the SCS Sounds. EVR Sounds are so satisfying.) This is a win win situation. TruckersMP is happy, We the players are happy, And EVR is happy. I hope that this gets opened for people to vote for this to get added soon. Thanks Edit 4: Going to clear this up, These are not only Engine sounds. Engine Voice Records completely changed everything. Parking brake, Blinkers, etc. This has massive detail. Edit 5: “What if the game updates and these sounds become temporarily disabled due to them being outdated?” 1. Engine Voice Records are always 1 step ahead. They already had the MAN Truck sounds ready literally the day it came out. 2. Temporarily disabled due to it being outdated is something we would all have to suffer with until it gets updated. It’s a necessary sacrifice though. In the end, We would still have our sound mod and we would be happy. Edit 6: I have noticed the “Road to simulation” message on the launch screen. Road to simulation can finish if you add this. With this mod, The game is as realistic as we can get.
  6. Guest

    Sound mod

    Hi there, I trust you are doing splendidly and enjoying the season. Suggestion Name: required Silent Turbo mod Suggestion Description: I really need to get this mod working, as it removes the extremely annoying whistling sound made by turbo engines when accelerating. Right now, the mod is not recognized on your platform and I have to play with Sound Effects turned off :< Any example images: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1353357428&amp;searchtext=silent+turbo Why should it be added?: Because this tinnitus sensation is killing me. I would very much appreciate if you could authorize this mod, so I can use it.
  7. Myself along with probably thousands of players would like to see better rims and tires better warning lights for oversized haulers and better engine sounds... and overall more types of trucks(brands) take the real wheels pack from steam workshop.. wheels look real. There's many different choices from steel wheels down to Alcoa aluminum rims... tires are real and not cartoony. Engines sounds from true engines also found on workshop for Cummins Caterpillar Detroit Paccar. Break off from the norm. And make mp as good as the real game your players would love it. Oh and one final thing... make the scout more customizable with real looking lights and more mounting options for light heads... AI car traffic aswell...sincerely Mp players from around the world As trucking and more
  8. Suggestion Name: Better sounds for the cars Suggestion Description: When I'm driving in the car in TMP, the sounds are, somewhat a little bland Any example images: N/A Why should it be added?: I feel like this should be added because it can give a bit of a variety to the sounds that we hear when the cars go past. And maybe, the car horns can be changed a little bit as well?
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