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Found 5 results

  1. I've recently noticed that there is a lot of traffic when it comes to the Duisburg's 'centre'. I believe that this segment can be changed a bit. Do you guys have any ideas to improve the current intersection(s)?
  2. Hello team ? I will have a suggestion for you,I think the railroad on the C-d road should be removed and turned into a straight road.There seems to be quite a lot of congestion during rush hour traffic. When troll drivers are added on it, it brings traffic to the key point from time to time,but with a straight road I am sure the traffic will be completely smooth. I wish you good work Kind regards, Lena'
  3. Suggestion Name: Chat / Message System Rework Suggestion Description: The in game message system needs a rework, when you message someone & they reply you reply back to them but if someone else messages you it sends your reply to that person instead of the one you were replying to plus you type & it disables your ability to control your vehicle if you use keyboard! Any example images: No Why should it be added? Your message response goes to the right person & you don't loose control of your vehicle while typing. Doubt anything can be done about that though....Maybe putting it in a box that can be opened & closed so its 1 easier to read & 2 doesn't affect driving!
  4. Suggestion name: Belgium-France border fuel station rework Suggestion description: i believe the fuel station should be reworked Any example images: https://postimg.cc/7fxwSjh1 (click the link as it will take you to the screenshot) Why it should be added: each time i drive in the Calais-Duisburg road and I go through the Belgium France border there is a what seems to be a traffic jam. when someone needs to continue driving they would have to wait like 3 minutes before merging after the traffic has passed.
  5. Hello, I wish everyone a good forum. Today, I bring up an issue that I have been thinking about for a long time. I wonder if this is everyone's problem like me. Euro Truck Simulator 2 is a game that does not have a stable version and is still being developed and updated. I am happy about this because the game remains up-to-date and improvements are constantly coming to the main map. However, there is only one issue that bothers me. Why aren't the modified parts of the vehicles in the game supported by actually popular designs? For example, colored bottom grilles, small lamps that can be mounted on the side skirts or talmu daytime running light yellow, or improvements in the engine sounds of the vehicles... We can customize the exhaust of our vehicles, but this customization does not contribute to the sound. At least when I add an exhaust customization to my vehicle, I want to get a full and different sound. Also, the lightbox part on roofbar would be perfect. I think the SCS software, which can illuminate the "Globetrotter" text when engine-start and enable "the driver's nickname plate" and "co-driver's nickname plate" which can be edited in the cabin, could have made the customizations I just mentioned and made the game a little more popular. What do you think about this? Do you think parts of realistic and popular design trends should be designed and added to the game? I present you with pictures some examples of parts that I assume can be added: --- --- ---
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