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Found 4 results

  1. Suggestion Name: Reconnect button/retry command Suggestion Description: Many times i have to exit the game and start it again, just because i have "Unreliable connection". This happens during game loading or during teleport to another garage. Sometimes i even have to reconnect couple times and if that does not work, than i have to teleport to city without people in it, or couple people in it and then it will connect normaly. Just to mention i have net 150/8 and only my computer and 2 cellphones are connected to same router, nothing else and i am not download anything, but even if i do, that still shoud not be a problem (but in most cases i am not). Why should it be added?: Its soo annoying to reconnect every time that "Unreliable connection" error happend, so it would be great to add such an option like that, even its usefull to players who are kicked due to inactivity. I already searched on forum for suggestion like this or similar to this and i guess someone already suggested something like this long time ago, but also long time passed without any option even similar to this, so please developers consider making such an option. I am sorry my english is little bit bad, i hope i said everything correctly, and also if this topic is not in the right place, moderators please move it where it belongs.
  2. Hi there, I was downloading Truckersmp, as I wanted to start the application this error message pops out. Can anyone help me? -kenny
  3. Help, when i open the truckersmp appears a page with conection error - retry? Help me please to solve this problem P.S i unistaled and instalet the app for 5 times, and tried to rule the app like administrator but it didn't worked.
  4. Hello all, I have been having problems with the launcher and it is that the download speeds are freaking ridiculous. I have a 1 Gbps connection and yet the launcher is failing to download, even if it downloads the updates it would be at a snails paste. Occasionally I would get the error "An exception occurred during a WebClient request. Press OK to retry.", I never had such problems before this launcher was introduced. I have tried reinstalling TruckersMP, deleting all traces of TruckersMP from my system, re-downloading/installing the launcher. Nothing has worked, I even tried changing my DNS (Google and forcing a Proxy from my ISP. I even disabled my anti-virus Firewall and enabling/disabling Windows Firewall. I completely have given up on this launcher thing. Your help and assistance is greatly appreciated in resolving this issue. Many thanks, Certified_Trucker
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