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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, I know TMP have update there data on promods. So what i am trying to do is ,how can i use my single player promods save to join truckersmp without content change detected. I read this article. Do i need to copy paste all the TMP modification or i need to use some of them. Cause there are some files which may be not need on promods(like cd_changes ,tfm_convoy). So which of this contents is necessarily need for not to content changes. If anyone have answer please let me know. It will be more helpful for me . Thanks
  2. ProMods not found One or more required files of the ProMods map modification could not be found in your Euro Truck Simulator 2\mod folder This message appear after I replace ProMods v2.57. I'm pretty sure that they're no missing file in my folder. Before TruckersMP support ETS2 1.42 I was using ProMods v2.56 it was fine. I did try ProMods v2.57 in singleplayer it totally works fine. This is login screenshot https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjBccQ1rluWmy1RxJ2-4u4ip767A?e=MhK2xQ This is Euro Truck Simulator 2 mod folder https://1drv.ms/u/s!AjBccQ1rluWmy1XYJHTrD3ZX7WhU?e=LqTfsx
  3. Hello. I just got Promods 2.50 and I wanted to use it on TruckersMP. I keep getting the error "Connection refused. You are using an invalid client. You should reinstall the mod through the launcher." I have tried removing all TruckersMP files and reinstalling it, reinstalled promods, checked file sizes & names, tried it in Singleplayer (and it worked) and also tried Sim 1 and Arcade normal TruckersMP servers which also work. Does anyone know what I can do? Pics here: https://imgur.com/a/XDqIIVp
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