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Found 3 results

  1. Suggestion Name: Ticket system & Patrol role Suggestion Description: I will split the description into parts. Profile system: This system will track how much kilometres a player did while playing in TMP. The player will have a rank similar to the existing one in the ETS2 but instead of earning XP for each delivery it would earn for each xxx kilometres. The rank will say how much the player will earn for each xxx kilometres driven. For example, a player with Rank 1 will earn 2$ per kilometre and a Rank 2 will earn 5$ per kilometre, etc... As TMP has a live map which tracks where players are in real time, I think it can also track how much the player has driven. If it is possible, it would be nice to only count the kilometres that the player drove with a trailer. "Patrol" role: This would be new role wich players can apply to. The objective of this role is patrolling the roads and issuing tickets to the players which don't obey the TMP Road Traffic Laws. As TMP Staff has its own police car skin, this role would have one so dedicated to their job so players can differentiate the Staff to the Patrolling players. This skin would have the Auto-Kick feature so only players with that role can use it. (I'm creating a new skin to Police Skoda and I will do the same to this role if approved). Ticketing system: The Patrollers can issue tickets in 3 ways as TMP Team can decide which to implement or not. Console, an in-game tool similar to the GM's use to review reports. In Chat using commands like "/ticket [ID] [Amount $$] [Description]" so an example: "/ticket 2525 200 Failed to give way". Or using a system in the website which I think won't work very well because the patrollers would have to stop their cars constantly to issue tickets. Note: Player cannot report any infraction. They have to be caught by a Patrolling player. Rules: Of course players can see the TMP Road Traffic Laws so everyone follows those rules and the ticket value of each infraction. This will prevent different laws from different countries to cause confusion. Ticket appeal: Of course mistakes can happen sometimes. The players can use a system in the website where they can appeal for a ticket wich as been issued. Firstly the issuer would reply with the proof of the infraction (video or image) and if the player disagrees he can escalate the case and an upper role will review it and remove the ticket if needed. Any example images: None. Why should it be added?: I think this feature will make the game more realistic and also players would start to obey the traffic signs.
  2. Opis Sugestii: Zwiększenie jednostki patrolującej pozwoliłoby zmniejszyć agresję itp. Patrol miałby wyglądać tak że "patrol" w NIEOZNAKOWANEJ Skodzie lub tirze (imitującego zwyczajnego gracza) mógłby karać innych graczy za nieodpowiednie zachowanie na drodze. Umożliwiło by to przepustowość dróg i zmniejszyło ryzyko wypadków i niebezpiecznych zachowań. Np. Ban za spowodowanie wypadku (wyprzedzanie), wyprzedzanie bokiem, kick za ciągłe używanie klasonu, blokowanie ruchu . Admini patrolują aczkolwiek nie ma ich 10 jeżdżących na samej LŚ Zdjęcie: Brak Dlaczego twoja sugestia a nie inna ?: Umożliwiło by to przepustowość dróg i zmniejszyło ryzyko wypadków i niebezpiecznych zachowań oraz pomogłoby graczom. Myślę że moja prośba zostanie pozytywnie rozpatrzona, lecz trzeba by było trochę pracy
  3. I personally think that they should make the in-game admin feature a little more in-depth policing system. Having 'State Police' and 'Federal Police' systems in place would also make it funner. Because if someone is running red lights, ramming, and other illicit activities, a witnessing trucker can file a report and an in game admin would be dispatched depending on the state the perpetrator was in and in what direction they were headed. if it goes on to long, or it goes across a state line, a state admin could get help from the next state over, or from a 'Federal', or inter-state, admin. 'State Police' admins would only have the power to carry out bans and such in the state that they are assigned, and are limited to certain time bans. 'Federal Police' can carry out bans and such in any state, and for any amount of time. For instance, if a group has been street racing across the state for a long time, it would mainly be handled by the 'Feds', with a little help by the State Police. You would have to be a state admin before you can become a federal admin, and only the best got promoted. there would have to be additions to the game. some are suggestions, some would be required. Required. Paint Jobs for each and every state. A simple fully color able paint job for the fed admins(if they want to put themselves out there and not drive an 'unmarked' cruiser). Optional More american looking cars, like the old Dodge Monaco and Ford Crown Victoria. Maybe even the Ford SVT Raptor if you can't get some made. You could even use the default police car models for it, you'd just need interiors. More light bars and 'unmarked' lights(including a pilot bar that is activated using flashers if someone wants to seriously go undercover). An actual admin tag only visible to other admins. A statewide frequency for each state( for talk between police and and a frequency for the whole state for the cb radios. 'Truck impounds' were someone will have to pay to get there truck back after doing something illegal. Now, I know this may make it harder to catch people, and it will probably spawn some organized 'runs'(think Smokey and the Bandit), but that would be the fun in it. You may even attract new players to the game, like actual police officers. Pro's More realistic. More fun. Con's Harder to catch criminals. May or may not spawn more illegal activities. May spawn illegal car racing with new vehicles. Anyway, what do you all think? Voice your opinion below.
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