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Found 6 results

  1. INTRODUCERE Parcarea cu spatele reprezintă cea mai importantă și uzuală manevră, pe care fiecare șofer aflat la debutul carierei trebuie să o cunoască în prealabil. Comparată cu realitatea, execuția aceastei manevre este mult mai dificilă și nu dispune de beneficiile pe care jocul le oferă, respectiv unghiurile de observare ale ansamblului de vehicule (un cap-tractor și o semiremorcă). MODUL DE EXECUȚIE Execuția acestei manevre diferă în general de mai mulți factori, cei mai importanți fiind: locul, spațiul și tipul semiremorcii. Totodată, modul de execuție este influențat foarte mult de setările din joc a fiecăruia dintre dumneavoastră și dispozitivul de manevrabilitate folosit. Scenariu prezentat: Manevra de parcare cu spatele, în rampă, a unui ansamblului de vehicule (un cap-tractor și o semiremorcă), folosind al doilea unghi de observare, cu spațiu limitat. Pasul 1: Priviți general asupra locului și spațiului disponibil pentru executarea manevrei; Pasul 2: Vă fixați niște puncte de reper (în cazul meu, semiremorcile parcate și marcajele parcării) și vă poziționați paralel de acestea. Distanța dintre ansamblul de vehicule și punctul sau punctele de reper trebuie să fie una aproximativă cu cea de mai jos; Pasul 3: Începeți foarte ușor manevrarea cu spatele a asamblului de vehicule în linie dreaptă, urmând imediat după să formați un unghi aproximativ optuz între capul tractor și semiremorcă. Este foarte important să executați această manevră în mod lent; Pasul 4: Continuați foarte ușor manevrabilitatea ansamblului de vehicule, deschizând și închizând ușor unchiul format anterior, în funcție de necesitate, până la așezarea în linie dreaptă; Pasul 5: Manevrați ansamblului de vehicule cu spatele, în linie dreaptă, cât este necesar. Punerea în practică a tuturor pașilor explicați: FINAL Pentru a deprinde ușor abilitatea de a executa această manevră, îndiferent de scenariu, este recomandat să învățați foarte bine manevrarea generală a ansamblului de vehicule (mersul cu fața și cu spatele, încadrarea în diverse locuri și spații). Odată ce deprindeți această manevră în modul prezentat, vă va fi foarte ușor să o executați oriunde, mai ales dacă doriți să vă integrați într-o companie virtuală. Depinde foarte mult și de dumneavoastră, cât de familiarizați sunteți cu jocul. Cu deosebită considerație, @FreakyBodyX
  2. Hello! Welcome to the survival guide to parking! *Any and all information can and will be updated to be correct. Welcome to my guide and tips on parking in ATS. I recently found that its rather difficult parking in tight spaces based on a few things. To get started I'm going to share the (what I think) is the most useful knowledge for the game in the parking world. Tip #1: When ever you can use a shorter framed truck! Shorter frames make you smaller and easier to maneuver in these tight spaces. Don't get me wrong the longer frame can be used to park in these small areas but the smaller frame will help until you get the practice! (Small frame above) (Longer frame above) Tip #2: Less trailer axles the better! The less axles (set of tires each on the left and right side) make it so the trailer can maneuver better due to the fact is only is on fewer axles. Again don't get me wrong if you want a higher challenge you can take more axle trailers! (Images will be added once I find another job for it) To-do: * Tutorials for parking in specific places. * Images for trailers. * Add community tips and tricks.
  3. Hello all, my name is Michele, i am a newbie and i am from Italy. I am 34 and i Like very much this game. I posted This on another thread because i didn't find a topic that could match my request, but it was an old One, so i think could be' better to start a new topic, excuse me if i am talking of some old stuff. Suggestion Name: Ghost Trucks When Parking in Companies' no Collision Zones Suggestion Description: I think that parking in no collision zones is extremely difficult when someone approaches Park zone when u are manouvering yet to Park. I think that nearby Trucks (only the ones that match in your position) should be "ghosted", to avoid the problem of parking without seeing where ur trailer is going or how drive Tires are heading. Any example images: Nope. Why should it be added?: I Guess This could improve the gameplay especially When a player is not so able Like veteran ones, but i think This Will be appreciated By more skilled drivers. Hope You Will consider This solution. Thank You so much!
  4. Suggestion Name: AFK System and AFK parking rule Suggestion Description: I have thought of an AFK system for servers that can be very efficient and in turn optimize the server. What is written here is a vision of what I mean, is it a approved, the developer will consider what factors to apply in this suggestion. My idea is the following: I have thought about the existence a command or using the game pause to get into AFK mode, along with an AFK parking rule in which you can report. The idea of this is that when parking, you can enter a command "/ afk" or use the pause provided by the game to enter AFK mode. I will explain it in the following way, since it is a bit complex to understand my idea: Out of AFK mode: > Kick spent 10 minutes of not moving (like the current system). Within AFK mode: > In our nickname, a label will appear that says "(AFK)" or, failing that, the entire label changes color (I find this option more useful for administrators to identify) > Good parking in allowed places (here comes the AFK parking rule) > The truck block and cannot move. > If there are more than 50 or 100 players within the 250m (or 500m) radius, this server kick you. > If the server has a waiting list, ignore all the requirements and kick you immediately. > I don't know if this is possible, but I still sugest him: When entering AFK state, cancel all truck modifications, and have a default truck and trailer configuration (to optimize the area). Why should it be added?: It seems to me an interesting and necessary interesting system, which can solve the problem of the players that when receiving the warning that in a minute the server will kick it, they write something to the chat so that the counter is reset and thus remain infinitely. As explained above, it would be a very good way to optimize the server, preventing players from staying in AFK mode for 10 minutes (or infinitely) in places with too much traffic overloading the area and lowering the FPS. Also to give realism to the simulation of others, such as going on the highway and seeing trucks parked in the rest area for example, and so the environment is not so "empty". Any example images:https://imgur.com/Y2rJgN1
  5. -> I do not know exactly whether this is possible and I would like to apologize already if that was already noted. Suggestion Name: Trucks on the Restplaces / Truck Stops Suggestion Description: Its all about adding some Trucks to the Restplaces just like in SP. Any example images: Why should it be added?: Rest stops are often empty or only occupied with 1-2 players (even on #EU2) - you could create an great atmosphere just by adding a few trucks (like in the singleplayer) in which one does not feel so alone. i dont think about full Restplaces like in Germany but just a few Trucks would be nice.
  6. I wrote the tag "I can do anything" with I not i, but it lowered it, I know that i is not correct, I is correct. Hello, I'd like to ask if is allowed park double trailers in "I can do anything" difficulty (If it is possible.)? I don't see any reason why not, but I just want to ask. And I would like to ask why I/we can't delete reports? And I would like to ask why is there restricted area for double trailers? what's the purpose?
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