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  1. Hey, Ive look on the forum and have done everything possible to stop getting these lag spikes.The lag spikes will happen anywhere in the game and it will happen even if there is no one near me. The lag spikes also happen on the menu ans sign in page in game. I drop 20-40 fps. I dont think its my computer. My pc specs are: I have a gtx 1070 Intel core i7-7700k @ 4.20Ghz 16gb ram 64 bit Os In game i turned off the cabin settings. I have turned my settings all the way down and I still drop fps randomly. Every option that you can turn off to get more fps i have tried from the forums. I also do not have the dvr option enabled. I had my game install on my hard drive but then i switched it to my SSD and still i get these fps drops. It is not my internet because in game i check and i get 30 ping. Im not sure what else to do which is why im posting on the forums. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Hello dear TruckersMP Community. Since a few days I have the problem that I hardly have or get any more WorldofTrucks jobs. Yesterday I was in the city of Lion and wanted to start a WorldofTruck job together with my friends. Everyone had this job. I didn't have a single job in Lion, though. So I'm forced to take jobs from the freight market every time. Any of you have the problem, too? If so, how do you fix it? I also wanted to ask in the SCS forum, but my post was not published there. Kind regards CrowTearZz
  3. I have downloaded the Multiplayer Mod and it is not working. It keeps saying "Cannot find game executable file!" Where is the exe.file located on windows 10? (The software is installed from DVD and after that integrated to my Steam-account.)
  4. Hello, Everytime I try to play ETS2 multiplayer, it says this: Before starting multiplayer you need to run steam. I have steam already running, both windowed as minimalised. Also my game is bought and it's not downloaded illegally. How to fix this problem? Thanks!
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