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World Of Trucks


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  1. HELLO! If you're new and you're just joining this family, you'll realize that there will be areas where no one will pass, while others will be full of players and that brings problems of it, then you must keep in mind some useful tips to face these areas and not die in the attempt... or worse, just over that tell you below you will have general tips and some for specific areas of the game such as C-D and nearby cities. 1. If you feel lonely when you first enter and think that no one plays or that something happens with the internet, maybe it's where you are, most of them play in the area that is enclosed with the rectangle and its respective nearby areas; although you can still find players around the map, but there's the vast majority. 2 . In areas with +25 players there are existing TMP rules that you should know and remember how they are not to overtake or park; always respects others and they will respect you. TMP rules 3 . If you have a mid-range or low-end computer, it is best to avoid areas with +30 players as you can present LAG and this will lead to accidents range and can create more traffic or some dangerous situation, it also serves to adjust the graphics or decrease the components of the game [lights-beacons] 4. If you get to areas where you know they may be collapsed like the Calais junction, the Duisburg exit or these same cities, it's best to slow down and try to let it charge slowly but safe, because if you go fast you can get into a strong LAG and it can affect the player coming behind, or it's late in loading players in front of you and when it happens you won't be able to brake and you'll be stamped on them. 5. If you see that you are having LAG, it is best to get on the side and thus avoid accidents or any BUGS because of the impact you could receive [so you avoid damage to your cargo-truck-trailer] and cooperate to not generate traffic. 6. In almost that someone has lag, try to keep a prudent distance [1 1/2 truck or 2-3 scouts ] and thus reduce the risk of impact and not fly out or BUG. 7. Remember that you may not have problems in areas with lots of players, but others do, help them by turning off your beacons and don't abuse your high lights. 8. In crowded areas do not make irresponsible races or maneuvers, you can be reported and subsequently banned. If you don't know the rules, I'll leave them here. ->TMP general rules 9. If for X reason you are affected by an irresponsible player, DO NOT ANSWER YOU CAN GENERATE MORE PROBLEMS!, just take out your pinfo and report it to the GMs you can help maintain order in crowded areas by reporting to those who endanger others, and so you contribute your granite to making this place better. 10. for the route Calais-Duisburg it is advisable not to carry heavy, long or oversized loads; because you can generate traffic and thereby increase the players in that area and that increases data traffic and end up generating LAGS in some players and being able to cause danger or other complicated situations. Always remember to follow the RULES of the MP and try to keep order on routes and servers, you may not be able to avoid laG or crowded areas, but following these tips I can tell you that the risks of accidents-problems-or other situations can be diminished, in addition to always respecting others and they will respect you as well as follow possible directions from the TMP team, I just hope I have helped you have a good driving and play.....HAPPY TRUCKING
  2. Good evening ladies and gentlemen, Since Germany is located in Middle Europe, it is the middle of the map. A lot truckers have to cross Germany to reach their destination. I want to quickly provide a few common things, not every trucker knows, because Germany has one of the most developed street systems worldwide, even without having speedlimits on some points (no don't hope, for trucks there is always a speed limit ) So first of all, I want to quickly start with the sign everyone sees, when he enters Germany. <- shows speed limits for cars outside, inside villages and on German "Autobahn" Important for us is, that this is car only. For trucks it is 50 inside cities, and outside, it depends on the weight of the truck. If it is between 3,5 and 7,5t, you are allowed to drive 80 on streets. On motorway, everyone, no matter what weight he has is only allowed to drive 80km/h. If he is allowed to drive 100 (needs 100 sign, signed by TÜV (German Law)) he can drive 100 but on motorways only! By the way, the blue sign with the 130 is not a speed limit, it is a speed you should drive. If you make mistakes or having accidents and you can't proof that this would also happen when you drive less than 130, then it is automatically your fault! Follow pictures are also important for you! - shows the speed limit, applies to every vehicle on the road, if not marked under it. - this sign can be under a speed limit, so this speed limit is now applying to trucks only! - general prohibition of over taking other vehicles. Permanent lines between both sides are also showing this kind of prohibition. - If you see this, you can cross the intersection. But keep in mind chapter #2 - A stop sign. A full stop is required to make sure, noone is coming from left or right. - You can slowly drive forward and make sure noones coming at the same time. If someone comes, a stop is required! You are still the second in queue! - A railway crosses the street, 3 stripe sign is 240 in front of the railway, the two stripe on 160m, the one stripe 80m! Chapter #2 with translation pyramide showing the chain of command in a street intersection! Blue is police, orange is traffic light, red is Sign and green is right before left Police - The police is the highest in chain of command. If police stands on traffic intersection and is ruling traffic, everyone has to listen to police, no matter what colour the traffic lights are showing. He can overrule the traffic light and every other rule! Traffic light - If there is no police officer, and the traffic lights are running, they are automatically the highest you have to listen to. If they show red, you have to stop. If they show green, you are allowed to drive. Sign - Sometimes, traffic lights are not working i.E. they are under construction, damaged or it is just night and the city wants to save energy, so they put it on orange. It will light just orange. You will be confronted with this in ETS since traffic lights are shutting down in the night. Now the signs are the highest. Watch chapter #1 for more information about signs. Right before left - If there is nothing enabled, no sign and no police, there will be right before left. It is an easy rule but mistakes can still be done. You won't be confronted since you cant pass lower populated city areas or small villages. They often have it on their streets. In this case, the Blue would be allowed to drive, since there is noone on the right side of him. Red has to let Blue pass first, because Blue is right next on the right side of Red. If Blue passed, Red is allowed to pass the intersection because since Blue passed, there is noone on the right side anymore. If red passed, green can also pass, because red is gone, so the right side is free for green. It sounds confusing but its pretty easy to learn! Chapter #3 Driving on the street and watching other traffic Overtaking on the rightest lane is forbidden except inside cities. Thats why you can't freely choose your lanes like you can do it inside cities. Outside of them, there is a law, which forces you to drive on the right side of the road to give others the possibility, overtaking you legally and safely. Always drive on the right lane, until you actually enter a city or overtaking someone. In the following pictures, you can see exceptions, when it is allowed, driving on other sides! - if someone enters the Autobahn, make sure you give him the space to enter it. Look in your mirror and go on the left lane to give him a legal possibility to enter the lane! - you entered a city. Left sign is letting you know, you entered and two right signs are letting you know, you left a city! - You overtake someone and you have to use the left lane! In case of a traffic jam, you should drive carefully. If you are on multiple lane roads, always form a way for emergency vehicles. To make it easy, the lane on the left side has to give space by driving close to the edge of the left side. All the other lanes have to drive right so between the first lane from left and the second from left is a space for emergency vehicles! Now other common things, you should watch... Its showing a circle. Do not rush into it. Watch for other traffic. You can join it without having indicator enabled but if you leave indicate your direction! - safe explaining, you enter a tunnel but switch on your lights! - shows, that all vehicles are forbidden. If there is a car inside, all vehicles as big as and bigger as a car are forbidden. If a truck the same thing with just truck! Now a general information. Do not use your bright lights when there is other traffic. In ETS2 your not blinding someone, but in real life, you are. So turn the bright lights off and just use the normal ones! And watch these signs, they are the most important for you! and btw dont forget the traffic lights! German Autobahn facts: - over 13000 kilometers long - connecting west, east, north and south (N, E, S, W) - Having an A for Autobahn and a count i.E. A420 (dont know if this excists) - Minimal speed limit is 60, if there is fog which disables visibility and you enable fog lights, you can only drive 50 so this is the only exception! Blue sign with two lanes and a bridge
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