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Found 7 results

  1. I've recently noticed that there is a lot of traffic when it comes to the Duisburg's 'centre'. I believe that this segment can be changed a bit. Do you guys have any ideas to improve the current intersection(s)?
  2. Hello everyone, Suggestion Name: Multiple Perpetrators input and Reasons selections. Suggestion Description: There should be way to add multiple preparators IDs and be able to select multiple reasons as well. Why should it be added?: It can ease the process of creating and banning in a single report of multiple users who are involved in the same accident, instead of creating one for each user. Regards~
  3. - Login command for AFK -So, I think a command should be added for whoever has got kicked for AFK only, they can open the chat and do a command like "/login" then it takes them back to the "select a server" menu. This is then more helpful for people that have got kicked from TMP to quickly join the game again.
  4. Suggestion Name: Car brakes becoming better and more efficient Suggestion Description: I want to suggest to improve the car brakes because there are a lot of accidents due to slow braking system of the cars. Compared to the trucks, the cars take so much time and space to break completelly, and some game users exceed the limit speed and drive recklessly, others drive just for fun, like me as an example, but when deparated with an obstacle, it is impossible to stop at the right time... I like to drive the car, but sometimes, I get myself into accidents because of this. Any example images: No. Why should it be added? Because a lot of accidents would be avoided and decrease a bit the accidents caused or involving cars.
  5. Suggestion Name: Option to increase the visible spawn distance of other trucks. Suggestion Description: Many times when I'm driving, I feel like my immersion is broken when I see a truck appear out of nowhere in the oncoming lane. I think the visible range for spawning in trucks should be much longer, so that you can see other trucks from further away and at max, rarely see the actual spawn of a truck. It would need to be optional and/or adjustable so that people can choose a setting for their preferred experience and computer system. Any example images: Not needed. Why should it be added?: Not only will it improve safety, but it will improve the driving experience and also add the option of increased realism when driving without using the GPS markers. I'm a realism geek, so I like to turn the GPS markers off. However, with the current spawn distance, I often see that a long stretch of road seems perfectly clear, but then as I start to overtake someone, a truck in the oncoming lane spawns up too close to safely overtake even though it looked clear a few seconds ago. Of course, you can use the map markers to see when the road will be clear, but I think that's a boring cheat to be honest. Don't get me wrong, people can use it as much as they want, but it should still be possible to drive safely should you choose to drive without it.
  6. I think there should be a RoughHousing pool {where people that ram, block, etc go}. This could help because it would put all the game ruiners in one place in another server that is hidden unless you are put in the RoughHousing pool. This would allow all the game ruiners to still play, but in a place where they cant make people mad. This could need some work, but if you have the resources please take this idea into consideration Sincerally, Bigredsfan05
  7. Suggestion Name: Add the ability to sort players by distance/Id/name Suggestion Description: It could be very nice if you add the ability to sort players by distance/name/etc... in the TAB menu. Any example images: No, but I can make some with Photoshop if I am not totally clear. Why should it be added?: It will allow players to find to their friends in the menu lot more easily. It's not very hard to code and that could be a great improvement of the multiplayer mod. Maybe you can also include a option in the settings to disable it for slower computers. Thanks ! Phil EDIT : It could also allow us to report rammers more easily when there is a lot of people around like at Europoort or in a convoy, just need to short players by ID or by name and you can find them very quickly and easily
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