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Found 9 results

  1. hello i wanna ask if someone know how to play with a friend but get the same job and route as a company or something, thanks..
  2. Suggestion Name: A sort of player to player job Suggestion Description: Something like players can work to another player's company, instead of BOTs. Any example images: No. Why should it be added?: Some sort of panel with jobs requests and job offers, so the players can offer and request jobs from another player's company.
  3. Me and my friend we find a problem today 01:50 am 26/10/19, I was playing this game and I told me friend to come and play with me and since we start the job, the game go to offline. I look for help every where and I didin´t find this solucion, can someone help me and my frind fix this problem?
  4. ----------English---------- Hello everyone, I come here to offer you a complex idea but that could add something new. I propose to make possible the creation of private server. Let me explain, looking for the possibility of playing on a private server with friends I never find how to create a server where only me and my friends could enter. It may be possible to make a private server limited to 5/10 places (just for a group of friends) where we could also add mods like new cars, new skins, or many other things. And for the creation and the access to the waiters it would be necessary to pass by TruckersMP all the configuration is on your launcher, you just have 2 or 3 steps, first click on the button create a local server after choosing the number of people and finally choose the mods to add and that's all, no access to files and you keep the exclusivity of multiplayer on Euro Truck Simulator 2. That's my idea I know that many people would like this novelty and I know it's not easy but here is my idea. Thank you for your attention and your work. See you soon on the roads ^^
  5. Guest

    email, spelling mistake

    Hello everyone, me and a friend of mine wanted to play ets2 together. But sadly he entered the wrong email while his registration progress. I would appreciate any help because it was only one little spelling mistake of him
  6. EliteK1ng88 is trying to download TruckersMP but he can't because it's saying he hasn't played the games for 2 hours, but he's played them for longer than that. What can we do to fix it? THIS HAS BEEN SOLVED!
  7. Game: Euro Truck Simulator 2Mod Version: Version Used: None.Description of Issue: I can't change the color and when i try, the game crashes.How to reproduce: In Login Menu, you need to select the "settings". When you click to change the color of player/friend or tag, the game crashes.Screenshots / Videos: None.
  8. Hi, I see alot of convoys with the same paint jobs. I want to know how to do that. Please help me ty
  9. How I can invite my friend(s) . Please help me what can I do .
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