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Found 4 results

  1. Howdy fellow truckers, I have following question and kindly ask you to answer it using the provided options. Do you support the implementation of AI traffic in TruckersMP? If you like, please explain your choice in detail in the comments below. Thank you in advance! Your feedback is appreciated.
  2. Type g_traffic 0.5 in conlose and work. it is illegal or may have been banned for a bug?
  3. i was thinking about a AI Traffic server with random cars/trucks to pay more attattion on the road while driving cuz and emty road is getting bored soo i wish to see a AI traffic server
  4. I know at this moment is not possible to ad AI traffic in the next update, but I think there is more players who don't like to drive alone on highway cause sometime is so borring to not see any other truck on the road. So if in the next future of this game mod I wish to find a way to add some Ai traffic cars to make this simulation game more realistic.
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