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Veteran Driver VII
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Community Answers

  1. Aestrial's post in I would like a event server. was marked as the answer   
    Hi there Robbe,
    Should you want to inquire about a server for your event, please get in contact with feedback and one of the Game Managers will be able to assist you: http://truckersmp.com/feedback
    I'd also recommend you take a read of the following topic for more information: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/62672-community-events-info/
    Good luck.
  2. Aestrial's post in Can you remove reports? was marked as the answer   
    Hi there,
    Unfortunately, no, you cannot remove reports. However, if you write a comment on your outstanding reports to let the Game Moderators know of your mistake, that would be great. If you wish, you can attach the correct video and ID to the outstanding reports as well, and we'll see what we can do as soon as they come to be reviewed.
    Thank you for your understanding,
  3. Aestrial's post in Account deletion was marked as the answer   
    Hi there,
    If you delete your account, and then make a new one, your punishment history will remain, yes. As stated in the following: your bans are linked to your Steam ID which is public information displayed on Steam. If you sign up again, your bans will be reactivated.
    More information here: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/66548-truckersmp-gdpr-general-data-protection-regulation/
    Hope this helped.
  4. Aestrial's post in Report was marked as the answer   
    Hi there,
    I can't say a specific time as to how long it'll take for your reports to be reviewed, but what I can say confidently is that however long it takes, your reports will be reviewed and dealt with accordingly. There is a small backlog at the moment, so it may take a few days, but we''ll deal with it as soon as possible. Bare in mind that all the Game Moderators are volunteers and deal with reports in their free time. Just be patient for now.
    Thanks for your understanding,
  5. Aestrial's post in Skoda Gears Completely Messed Up was marked as the answer   
    Hi mate,
    This is a known bug in-game. The Developers are aware and a fix is pending. For now,  just use sequential transmission.
    Confirmation here: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/67068-fix-for-1st-gear-only-in-car-skoda/
    Thank you.
  6. Aestrial's post in HELLO COMMUNITY was marked as the answer   
    Hi there,
    Are you referring to the '1t Caravan' part on your forum profile? If so, this is known as a forum rank title and is set automatically according to your post count. It does not mean you are currently transporting a 1t caravan.
    More information found here: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/65323-what-is-the-forum-rank/
    Hope this helped.
  7. Aestrial's post in On June 6, the three-day ban-lady still has not left. was marked as the answer   
    Hi there,
    According to your profile, your ban has expired and you should be able to play again. Please try to launch the game and see if you're able to login. If not, please send us a screenshot of the error message you get when you attempt to join.
    Thank you.
  8. Aestrial's post in Reckless driving - should it be context based? was marked as the answer   
    Hi there,
    I'll take this opportunity to elaborate on your points:
    Certainly not. I wouldn't refer to such as a 'regime' to start, and there could be multiple reasons why you were kicked. It's more than possible that it could simply be a case of Wrong ID or mistaken identity, and coincidentally happened just as you were reversing out. The act of GM's randomly kicking players is not something that we condone nor allow at any point. I can assure you that GM's have rules in place to prevent such happening. I wouldn't say common, and in your case it does not sound as though desync was to blame. We have had cases, and continue to have cases where some players experience desync, and as a result don't see others around them. It's not a common occurrence, but it does happen now and again. In your case, I believe that you're seeing correctly and weren't experiencing desync, but the possibility is always there. Certainly not. You should be able to drive and enjoy yourself, not play in fear of being kicked or banned. We, as Game Moderators, punish based on the rules and the rules only; we never kick or ban players based off opinion or similar. If you aren't breaking our rules, then we won't punish; simple. Of course, mistakes happen but those are easily rectified. You should never drive or play in fear of anything; enjoying your game and using our mod is of optimum importance. The last thing any of us want is players afraid of getting punished.  
    If you ever want to raise anything more about this, feel free to submit a feedback ticket and one of our upper staff team will be more than happy to discuss things with you.
    On a more personal note: I personally don't have any issues with players reversing out onto the road, if it's clear of others and you've made sure of that. Getting kicked when no-one was around wasn't needed, and I'm sorry for any inconvenience that caused.
    Thank you,
  9. Aestrial's post in Account activation was marked as the answer   
    Hi there,
    When you register your account, you should get an email with details of how to activate your account. Unfortunately, sometimes this email doesn't get through for whatever reason. However, it doesn't matter. Account activation doesn't affect your ability to play or use our services in any way; you can play like everyone else without an activated account.
    I'd go back and check your emails again. If the email isn't there, then your account cannot be activated and will remain it the current state.
    Hope this helped.
  10. Aestrial's post in How to use CB radio and chat was marked as the answer   
    Hey there,
    Firstly, welcome to the forums!
    Take a look at the following guide, it should help you out: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/28612-how-to-use-the-cb-radio/&
    In addition to the CB radio, you can also use the in-game text chat to communicate with others. Press the 'Y' key in-game, type your message and then press enter to send it.
    Hope this helped.
  11. Aestrial's post in Scout car stuck in first gear. Tried everything was marked as the answer   
    Hi there,
    This is a known bug. The developers are aware and a fix is pending. Just be patient for now.
    Thank you.
  12. Aestrial's post in ETS2 was marked as the answer   
    Hi there,
    You don't need to be 'recruited' to join the convoy on Sunday. You can just turn up at the required time and join in.
    You can find details here: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/65910-public-convoy-20th-may-2018/
    Hope this helped.
  13. Aestrial's post in Account Status: Not Activated was marked as the answer   
    Hai there,
    When you make your account, you should get an account activation email; in some cases, it doesn't get sent (always check your other inboxes as well).
    However, this doesn't effect your ability to do anything on the website or in-game. You can continue to use your account like normal, even when it's not activated.
    Hope this helped.
  14. Aestrial's post in Can i get a ban because of my modified truck? was marked as the answer   
    Hai there,
    Your truck is fine, nothing wrong with that. You're free to use it in-game.
    May I recommend in the future, you take a read here and refer to the save-editing guidelines.
    Hope this helped.
  15. Aestrial's post in Want to know about ban evading was marked as the answer   
    Hai there,
    If you send in a report via our website-report system (http://truckersmp.com/reports) and post the link to the users second account, the upper staff team can check and confirm whether the account is being used to evade another ban, and then will be dealt with accordingly.
    Don't worry about yourself providing evidence, we'll deal with that. Just make sure you post the links to both accounts in the report.
    Thank you.
  16. Aestrial's post in Need Information about TGM was marked as the answer   
    Hai there,
    No, you don't need to have been a moderator previously within the team to apply for Game Moderator; previous experience in moderation in other games, websites etc.. will always stand you in good stead in an application.
    Additionally, there is nothing wrong with your application; once it's been reviewed, you'll know about it. You just need to be patient and await a response on your application; they will all be reviewed and a decision made, don't worry about that.
  17. Aestrial's post in Convoy help was marked as the answer   
    Hai there,
    Take a look here: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/forum/226-convoys-and-events/ You can find all the relevant information for official convoys there. The upcoming convoy (tomorrow) can be found here.
    Additionally, for unofficial convoys, take a look here.
    Hope this helped.
  18. Aestrial's post in kicked off the server was marked as the answer   
    Hai there,
    The Crystal Dimension paint-job is not currently supported, hense the reason why you were kicked for trying to use it. We are not sure when this paintjob will be supported.
    Apologies for the inconvenience.
  19. Aestrial's post in Problem with login in was marked as the answer   
    Hai there,
    You may find this topic useful:
    Additionally, your friend needs to make sure he has at least 2 hours on ETS2/ATS before trying to register the game.
  20. Aestrial's post in ETS2MP Cop question was marked as the answer   
    Hai there,
    To use the police car accessories, you need to be a Game Moderator, which the police car is exclusively reserved for. You can look here for information regarding how to become a Game Moderator:
    If you try to use the police lights, skin etc.. you will be kicked from the game, as it seems you know. There is simply no way you can be a 'cop' without having in-game admin perms (apart from event server use). Of course, you can use the pilot car accessories, such as the orange lights, but the use of blue lights and the skin is simply not possible for any user without admin perms in-game.
    Hope this helped.
  21. Aestrial's post in How to get the winter mod!?? was marked as the answer   
    Hai there,
    The winter mod is only available for ETS2, it won't work within ATS. Trying to install a standalone winter mod and running it in multiplayer also won't work, I'm afraid.
    You can find information on the winter mod here.
    Apologies for the inconvenience.
  22. Aestrial's post in Winter mod was marked as the answer   
    Hai there,
    There is no date as to when the winter mod will be added into multiplayer, and there is no guarantee that there will be one, it's down to the developers. You just need to be patient, and wait.
    Once the winter mod is supported, you'll know about it, and it will be announced on the forums, social media etc..
  23. Aestrial's post in Winter mod was marked as the answer   
    You can't, since mods do not work within multiplayer.
    You will have to wait for the Winter mod to be officially supported in-game in an upcoming update (no guarantee there will be a winter-mod).
  24. Aestrial's post in CıN event server about was marked as the answer   
    Trucking Turkey,
    Only certain people on unofficial event servers are given permission to use police/pilot cars, and they are given perms to use it for a reason. This is dependant on the temporary rules (if set) of that retrospective event. In most cases, the police/pilot cars are only for Event Staff, Media and IGA's, and as such players are told not to use them. In the video you've provided, only certain players (who had a tag showing they were allowed) were using the police car, and these players were event staff, or helping out with the convoy operations. All other convoy/event participants were in trucks.
    So to kind of sum up your question: it is highly dependant on the rules set for that event, but in most cases, players will be told not to use the police/pilot cars.
    Hope this has helped answer your question, in a little more detail.
  25. Aestrial's post in Why am i not able to be a team member? was marked as the answer   
    Bans need to be a year old to be counted as not recent. You have been banned in May, which is less than a year ago.
    You will be able to apply in May 2018, providing that you don't get banned again before then.
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