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Veteran Driver III
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About deokletain

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  1. Gebannt, weil du den selben Rang hast wie ich
  2. Hello MP-Cummunity! I´d like to present to you my first suggestion about economics. Suggestion Name: refresh economy button or add command "/refresh eco" Suggestion Description: If there was a little butten attatched to the freight market interface, you could refresh the freight market without having to change any config entrys and get teleported back to base. Example Image: possible places for small refresh button Why it should be added: This would have two befefits: 1. There is no need for any job sync, as players wanting to drive together could simpy refresh their own freight market until they all have a contract to the same place as their mates. 2. No more people complaining about an empty freight market. Changing the interface might couse trouble though, I believe changes of this kind must be undertaken by scs themselves, but: you could implement a commend "/refresh eco" having the same effect. It is crutial, that it changes the freight market without having to exit the game, hence getting "game changes detected". Regards, deokletian
  3. Isnt it implemented now? Would love to see accepted suggestions closed and moved to "accepted"
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