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Veteran Driver VII
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About Sentespri

  • Birthday 08/08/1996

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  • Interests
    Friends; Fun.
  • Preferred Trucks
  • EU Garage Location
    France: Lyon

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  1. Happy Birthday!!!

  2. Happy Birthday i wish you a very nice day! Enjoy the day with your family and friends ❤️ 

  3. Happy Birthday!

  4. Hello guys, today I tried to connect on South America server and not was possible connect. Does someone help me please? Follow screenshot of error.
  5. Well, just thought it would be a little more cool and surprisingly better for convoys and who like to simulate the life of a truck driver, as I do with my friends.
  6. Suggestion Name: Traffic Flow Suggestion Description: Well, maybe not, but put a minimum it was a traffic flow of automotive vehicles controlled by bots, even if used in offline. Any example images: NO. Why should it be added?: Difficult deliveries, improving the role of a truck driver for a fun play and will more, causing us to have to make dangerous overtaking and those kinds of things.
  7. Yes, but if I'm using here is the crash, kicked for high ping, those things that lead you to leave without being able to park your truck before.
  8. Suggestion Name: Invulnerability when entering Suggestion Description: Well, whenever we enter the server, we enter where we left off, but upon entering we can take damage to the load and truck for appearing in front of the other trucks. To prevent these events could have a invulnerability of 10 seconds, a time limit and that good time to start the engine and start driving, avoiding accidents. Any example images: NO! Why should it be added?: To avoid unnecessary collisions, improve gameplay and take the surprise of a seemingly out of nowhere truck, appear.
  9. Well, I do not think so early right
  10. Hello, We come to you to offer an idea. New functions and commands are for ETSMP, here s list with the details. 1-Absence: Enable a command to the missing, so when they depart the game, peecusaria not worry about connecting the truck to avoid being kicked from the server. Command: / away / back Practice: Enabling the command, the player gets 20 minutes of tolerance, past will be kicked. After use, will only be allowed to use again after 15 minutes. 2 - reconnection without leaving the game. Command: / reconnect Practice: After being kicked or lost connection to the server could reconnect without reopening the ETSMP. 3 - Business creation with evolution, as well as the game, allowing the choice of his name as well. Practice: First start with 10 companies, each with different money from the game, the MP currency. That currency would be gained through specific loads at random times, to hinder their access to and motivate players. The company would Owner, Partner-owner, fleet manager and employee, each with MP salary defined by the owners and according to what the company earns. They could also request loan the company name, if it were not paid by the date determined by the bank, the company would be auctioned. Cons: The save game would not work in the off or just not load that data not be there when connected to the server where it all happened. Well, Essad are my suggestions, some very futuristic perhaps, but it is still something that most excite players.
  11. How do I open the Euro Truck in 64 bit in Multiplayer?
  12. Hello, I saw many tutorials and so far nothing to work with me. I have an oculus for support for the smartphone. So far, I could not use it even in a game, I wonder if anyone knows how I can use and it is known to configure it. Note: I use to move the head of the character in the game, thus improving the gameplay and makes it more fun. Grateful.
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