Community Answers
Syntog's post in Wrong way driving is acceptable as long as there was no collision? was marked as the answer
I ban players for going wrong way no matter if they cause a collision or not, since it's in our rules.
I've watched the report video that you were asking about and that is a special circumstance in my opinion. The player recklessly drives to an intersection at a too high of speed to make it into the correct lane, while this is a offense in itself cities usually have a lot of breaks in the middle guard rail so it's easy to get back over. Like the player did, though I can't explain why he went back over after you passed.
I usually kick for wrong way in cities *unless there are other offenses*
For highways it's different because there isn't a real way to go the wrong way unintentionally, taking out of account switching from mainland to England.
TL:DR: Keep reporting wrong way people, but just use your own judgement if it's in a city like that. If they get back over within the next break (given it's a short wall) I wouldn't bother reporting.
Syntog's post in One question about CB radio! was marked as the answer
There is no way to change keybinds yet. So you will have to make do for now.
Syntog's post in 1000+ Hours was marked as the answer
Make sure that you don't get the job in single player then connect to MP. TIme differences can cause that late problem.
If you have a issue with no jobs showing up, just sleep or F7. It will fix it. Your game will freeze for a while but dont click or alt-tab. The game is loading, and is sensitive in that stage so let it do it's thing.
Syntog's post in Is this a bug? was marked as the answer
To me it doesn't look like a bug, It looks like it's a couple trailer that SCS put in the game to just stay there (you can't pick them up) So of course they would collide.
If you want to make sure, try resetting your economy a few times and going to that depot to see if they're still there. (the white ones)
Syntog's post in courser not working in game was marked as the answer
When you open the launcher, try clicking DirectX. If you use OpenGL it is known to cause issues like that.
Syntog's post in How do I get 26 million? was marked as the answer
This is a issue when you have drivers and you connect to mp.
MP runs 24/7 which means that the time never stops like it does in SP when you quit. So if you never connected to MP before and you have some drivers, your profile will advance in time, collecting what your driver would have collected during that time.
Syntog's post in Mod-Game was marked as the answer
If you mean trailer mods that add new content then they won't work. MP disables all mods.
If you mean trailer mods like painted trailers then you need to put them in your ETS2 mods folder. Documents > Euro Truck Simulator 2 > mods
Launch single player > hook up to a trailer > quit and log into MP
Syntog's post in WorkShop Mod was marked as the answer
It is against the rules to put beacons anywhere else it is not originally intended to be.
Also, official mods list and guidelines area listed here.
Syntog's post in Kicked from server was marked as the answer
You're not in trouble for that. You just need to remove the accessory and then reconnect.
You just go into the service and remove anything that is for police use only, like the skin, and blue lights, etc.
Syntog's post in Kicked?! Confused :( was marked as the answer
It could have been a trailer that kicked you then, they can have the same skins. If you have the trailer DLC I recommend you disable it in steam then try to launch the game again.
Syntog's post in FPS problems was marked as the answer
The base game isn't mean't to render other trucks besides yours. The game is optimized for 1 truck, and it does that pretty well. But in MP you have to render many other trucks, somtimes over 100. So there will be fps drops no matter what. The devs are doing their best to optimize the game.
There isn't a fix to this besides lower your graphics quality or just bear through it
Syntog's post in "You were kicked from the game. Prohibited accessory detected" was marked as the answer
The trailer DLC is not supported in this patch. If you have the DLC it's best to uninstall it for the time being so you don't accidentally pick one up.
Get rid of the trailer then try to connect back into MP.
Hope this helps
Syntog's post in uhm system broke?? was marked as the answer
You will be unbanned in ~1 hour.
You just have your timezone set wrong on the site, make sure they are correct then it will display the correct time for you
Syntog's post in Speed Limit box don't work, ATS. was marked as the answer
There are several reasons why your speed could be limited.
1. You are on a speed limited server (which you're not, as you said above)
2. You need to disable the limiter in both the in-game settings and the MP's tab menu settings
3. Your speed is always limited when doing a World of trucks contract
Those are the main reasons why your speed could be limited, make sure to disable them and you should be set!
Hope this helps
Syntog's post in Can't play ATS? was marked as the answer
Here is another topic that lists exactly to do to solve your problem.
Also use the search function. There are many other topics with the same question in the "Solved" section that could help you.
Syntog's post in Please remove my account was marked as the answer
Sorry that you are getting trolled a lot but that's kinda extreme isn't it?
Just keep your account. One day you may want to play again
Syntog's post in Can i install camera mods ? was marked as the answer
All third party mods get disabled when you go into multiplayer. The only camera 'mod' is the dev camera you enable in the game config.
Syntog's post in Game stop was marked as the answer
You just have to wait, the game is processing information. It takes longer if you haven't been on MP in a while and have a lot of drivers (employees)
Also there are about a millions threads asking the same thing, using the search button next time would be great
Syntog's post in ETS will not run Multiplayer was marked as the answer
You don't have ETS2 activated on your account, you need to activate it so we can verify that you own a legit copy of the game. Make sure your steam account meets this criteria
Once you meet these, then you can activate the game (on your TruckersMP profile)and be able to run ETS2MP
Syntog's post in Low FPS when entering Rotterdam or other crowded cities. was marked as the answer
There isn't really a way to fix this, you can try to lower your graphical setting in the game's settings and the MP's setting (tab settings)
Everyone get's lag, especially when there are a lot of people around. I have a mildly powerful pc and I still get around 5-10 in Rotterdam.
I'd also suggest avoiding Rotterdam and EP.
Syntog's post in Hybrid Long frame for Peterbilt 579 Mod Isn't Working. was marked as the answer
Mods can't be activated on the MP itself. Mods like that that edit the default files need to be done in single player.
You need to go to single player and activate the mod and then buy the truck with the long frame IN SP, not MP. Once you got the truck, save, and then go into MP and your truck will be there.
Hope this helps.