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Veteran Driver VI
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Everything posted by Child_FR

  1. Bonsoir, j'ai report une personne on m'a dit que m'a demande avait était refusé et on m'a dit que c'était moi le fautif et bien sur pas de bouton ou autre pour faire appel, j'aimerais m'expliquer avec une personne de ce rapport et faire appel merci de me dire comment faire.
  2. Hello, I do not know who I need to address so I say that you go up the info, I ride quiet and rp and I'm tired of getting me in by guys who do it voluntarily, and We do not see the admins very much, I decided that I would take a truck and rush into all the people I see and it now begins dsl to do this but it is fed up with people who come to annoy others .

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Child_FR


      I warn you that I will block a port every day until you do something, there are tired you understand or not


    3. AbbieGator


      You do that, and you'll end up banned. Simple as that. We get a lot of reports that are hard to deal with at the time of report. If you have evidence, send it to https://truckersmp.com/reports/

    4. Child_FR


      Apparently you do not have a problem to banish people who want to play quiet but for those who bother the emonde it is something else, as I told you send a video and ask for a sanction does not serve anything I ' I have repeatedly only once abounded in my sense, do not worry you are not ready to see me again on the game.


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