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Veteran Driver VII
 TruckersMP Profile
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Status Updates posted by devo343

  1. guys im done with the truckersmp communty im being treated unfairly ive been banned for a week for going out of bounds which i think is unfair because did i hurt anyone else NO i didnt i just went out of bounds to test something so im done with the communty because cooper is treating me unfair im not mad at him just upset  and im not going to harras him or anything im just trying to get my point across

  2. welp i just got banned for driving around on the bottem of the grand cayon 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Scar


      The race track is not out of bounds, it's freely accessible without the need for teleporting to get there.

    3. [VIVA] Savage Frog

      [VIVA] Savage Frog

      Technically its not freely accessible as you have to move the cones out of the way to get there

    4. marco6158


      @MrCreeper Out of bunds = Going out of map limits. Race track is a hidden road and a easter egg (there wouldn't be an achievement for it otherwise) and it's just like some roads in Scandinavia

  3. After the long gone devologstics after about 3 months it returns better then ever 

    its still in making process but soon it will be done 

    we have a teamspeak asweel once we meet 5 drivers this vtc will be advirtised on the truckers mp fourm companys

    if you would like to help or join please msg below

    we are hiring-




    event manager-is taking by me temporly hope this vtc will last a long time


    best of driving-devo343

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