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Veteran Driver IV
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Everything posted by Finnelele

  1. Great tool so far! Is there a way to create jobs with double trailers only?
  2. Hello @KmunBiene ! I guess you don't have this problem with any other games? Do you get any kind of crashes and errors, or does the game simply freezes for couple of seconds and then continues? My guess (never had this problem) would be that the auto saving causes your freezes. Edit: Does it happen frequently or randomly and rarely? And only in high population areas or also low population areas? Read through this post for disabling (or increasing the interval) auto saving: Here are some solutions that worked for others with similar problems: 1. Remove all mods 2. Try running the launcher in administrator mode. 3. Reinstall the whole Trucker MP mod. Also use the search function of the forum and try to find posts that describe exactly your problem. With a bit luck there is a solution in the comment! Here is a performance guide with common problems and some fixes: Good luck!
  3. Hello @moraru ! This might be due to a download protection feature of your browser. Simplest fix is probably going over the settings of your browser (or anti virus settings of your protection software/computer) or trying a different browser and see if that fixes the problem. Good luck!
  4. Hello @DentalStone ! That sounds really weird, normally credentials don't change on their own! If you're using several email addresses make sure that you're using the correct one. If you're not sure which one is the right one either search your emails for the confirmation email you received back when signing up or request a password change which will trigger an email to the correct addresse. To make sure you're typing in the password correctly type it into a text file first, then check it, and then copy it over. Could be that your Y and Z are switched (happens to me when I hold down shift and alt for 2 seconds) or that caps lock was on, etc. Otherwise request a password reset via this link: https://truckersmp.com/auth/password/reset Good luck!
  5. Finnelele

    Report time

    Thanks for the explanation! I just got really confused, thought it might be a bug but quickly realized there is a 2 hour pattern. I'll just add my timezone (UTC +2) to the titel of the videos from now on! Happy trucking and reporting!
  6. Hello @Corey0! Does it give you any kind of error message and when exactly does it crash? For now here is a guide with common problems and some solutions, including launch and game problems: For more help we will need some details! Good luck for now!
  7. If you're encountering crashes with a fatal error follow this link: https://forum.truckersmp.com/index.php?/topic/44581-troubleshooting-support-perfomance-all-in-one-guide/#1_1 It's one of the more common problems and this might fix it for you! If it did please let me/us know. If you're having a different problem however we'll need more details. Good luck!
  8. Yes it does the same for me. It reverts the values back to the original ones once you switch to multiplayer. BUT it doesn't revert the weight of your attached trailer. This is solely my experience: If you go into singleplayer all the heavy cargo trailers will have 200t (If you only activate the 200t mod like me). Select and attach a trailer, it will say 200t in the F6 menu. Now hop into multiplayer and check the F6 menu again. It will tell you the default value, 45t or whatever it might be. But the weight will still be 200t. You can tell by simply driving the truck. There is a HUGE and absolutely noticeable difference between 45t and 200t However, if you now swap trailers the new one will have default values again. So as long as you don't change trailers it will have your desired weight, 200t for me. I did not test this enough in order to tell you a fix or anything, but as long as dont change trailers it should work, no matter what the F6 menu tells you! I hope this somewhat helps, good luck!
  9. I'm using these without a problem: http://www.trucknor.org/heavy-cargo.html Be sure to equip and test them in singleplayer first and then switch over to multiplayer. For your drifting issue, I never had that problem. What you can try is obviously testing another mod, cause there might be something wrong with the one you used. Additionally you can go into the gameplay settings and search for "trailer stability". Increase that value for a more stable trailer and see if that fixes the problem! Good luck! PS: Do not use 0 tons trailers, as it is against the rules!
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